Starting next month, the wage bursts of 4

The heat is coming
Have you felt the power of the scorching summer these days? According to the Central Meteorological Observatory news, this round of high temperature process will continue from May 17th to 19. Among them, the 18 day high temperature range, the strongest intensity. According to the State Administration of work safety official website news May 17th, the office of Safety Administration issued the "notice" on the good 2017 summer sunstroke work requirements, minimizing the occurrence of heat stroke events of workers. Under the high temperature, from next month, many regions will give employees a high temperature allowance. Then, what is the standard around here? What are the benefits of workers?
Saws: to minimize the occurrence of high temperature heat stroke workers
Safety supervision requirements, before the advent of hot weather, organizations working with high temperature weather workers occupational health checks.
In the high-temperature operation place additional necessary ventilation or cooling equipment, personal protective equipment and provide the necessary heatstroke needed to cool cool drinks and health products for workers.
It is necessary to reasonably arrange or adjust the working hours of the workers in the summer high temperature weather, and appropriately increase the working hours of the workers under the high temperature operation environment. Pregnant women and minors may not be assigned to work in the open air at temperatures above 35 degrees Celsius and work at temperatures above 33 degrees.
To develop high temperature heat stroke emergency plan and organize exercises, workers should be high temperature protection and heat stroke emergency publicity and education.

The high temperature allowance is salary, not welfare!
The employer arrange workers at 35 DEG (35 DEG C) high temperature weather in outdoor work and can not take effective measures to reduce workplace temperature to 33 degrees Celsius (excluding 33 C), should be paid high subsidies to workers, and included in the total wage.
As long as the employing units have arranged the high temperature operation, workers in enterprises, institutions and individual economic organizations may enjoy the high temperature subsidies according to law.
For the grant of high temperature subsidies, standards vary

Be careful!!!
1, summer cooling drinks can not be used to offset the high temperature allowance.
2, the high temperature allowance is part of the labor remuneration (wages), which should not be illegal.
3, according to the "measures" management measures to prevent heatstroke, provisions of the daily maximum temperature reached 40 degrees above, should stop the outdoor work. The employer may not deduct or lower the wages of the workers due to the cessation of work and shorter working hours due to the high temperature weather.
4, China's "occupational disease directory" will be physical factors caused by heat stroke included in the occupational disease category, that is, heat stroke is also a occupational disease. Enjoy the treatment of work-related injuries, must first be identified.
What are the benefits of high temperature days?
According to the "measures" management measures to prevent heatstroke, before the advent of hot weather, health check the employer shall workers in hot weather operations, for workers suffering from heart, lung and brain vascular diseases, pulmonary tuberculosis, central nervous system diseases and other physical conditions are not suitable for high temperature environment, should adjust the job. The cost of occupational health examination shall be borne by the employer.
The employer should be exposed to high temperature, high temperature weather workers supply enough to meet the health standards required for summer cooling drinks and drugs. Not to grant money and provide an alternative summer cooling drinks.
The employer shall establish a resting place at the high temperature working environment. Rest places shall be provided with a seat, maintain good ventilation or air-conditioned cooling facilities etc..
“ high temperature heat wave ” incoming, how to protect?
As the temperature is higher, we should try to avoid travel at 11 ~16. If you're going to be out, must do replenishment and heatstroke, protective measures, avoid long time exposure.

Source: worker's daily client

Official public micro signal