Jiangsu has shut down the 78 chemical enterprises, comprehensive management of 167 enterprises VOCs
This year, &ldquo, two minus six, governance three to enhance ” (referred to as “ 263”) special action in the land of Jiangsu in full swing.

1. Changzhou: Zheng Lu plans to shut down 40, 18 chemical enterprises have been shut down
Reporters from Changzhou Tianning Zheng Lu “ 263” special action leading group office was informed that the town plans to shut down the 40 chemical enterprises, the estimated total investment of nearly 36 million yuan. At present, Zheng Lu has completed 18 chemical enterprises shut down, and strive to shut down 20 years.
Previously, Zheng Lu introduced "Zheng Lu on the promotion of chemical enterprises to accelerate the implementation of views" transformation, proposed to take the initiative to close and move to encourage companies, giving the amount of rewards in accordance with the enterprise land area, the completion time, safety, etc. the transformation of Mu tax.
At the same time, the implementation of the opinions put forward to encourage the transformation of chemical enterprises, in line with industrial policies and green environmental protection projects, Zheng Lu will open a green channel for related enterprises, to meet the standards of enterprises strive to support project incentives.

Previously, Tianning district has explicitly discontinued or long-term stable operation, located in densely populated areas, inefficient production, environmental protection, safety supervision and other relevant departments in the production were investigated, there is a large environmental risks and security risks and other types of chemical enterprises shut down. Finally, Zheng Lu Tianning determined to shut down 40 chemical enterprises, and in conjunction with the Tianning district by letter, environmental protection and safety supervision departments, jointly formulate each company's timetable for shutting down.
So far, Zheng Lu has completed 18 chemical enterprises shut down work.
At present, Tianning district has exceeded the annual “ reduced ” task. The region plans to shut down 22 chemical enterprises in 2017. As of now, 24 have completed the work of shutting down, transferring production and stopping production.
At the same time, the main city area 6 streets, 67 square kilometers area is designated as “ no change area ”. “ no zone ” existing chemical enterprises within the country to ensure the full shutdown in 2018.
2. Wuxi: Binhu District stops at 16 in 2012

With 112 kilometers of Taihu coastline, 9 towns and streets are in the first class protected area of Taihu. Many years ago, as the guardian of beautiful scenery, Wuxi Binhu District in a number of enterprises have been shut down, relocation, transformation of enterprises to clean some polluting enterprises.
Today, “ coal reduction ” “ &rdquo reduction; action is accelerating in Binhu. At present, the area has completed more than 2300 tons of coal reduction, ahead of schedule to complete the target task, the new 7 industrial kiln shutting down task has been completed 5 units.
“ reduce ” action, Binhu District has carried out 3 times involved in the enterprise thorough investigation, on the basis of expert screening and discussion, and ultimately determine the 34 enterprises involved in remediation goals. In addition to the 4 enterprises to be upgraded to retain, the rest of the 30 enterprises to be shut down in 2018, including 16 to shut down this year. In order to speed up the transformation and upgrading of chemical production industry, the district also introduced policy subsidies to shut down related enterprises, as of now, has shut down 12 enterprises involved.
3. Liyang: shut down 75 chemical enterprises in the next two years

Liyang is no exception, resolutely implement the deployment requirements of the province and Changzhou, &ldquo, 263” special action to carry out solid.
Although the Liyang ecological endowment good, the construction of ecological civilization has been at the forefront of the province, but the long form of the &ldquo type coal; ” energy structure, heavy steel and cement chemical “ ” industrial structure, intensive development of “ ” spatial structure has not been fundamentally changed. How to make more room for development and reduce environmental carrying capacity is an urgent question to be answered in Liyang.
Man has no me, man has me. Liyang city in doing the required action at the same time, combined with theactual and proposed &ldquo reduction; ” “ &rdquo “ water conservation; ecological green building ” “ mine repair ” four key work, and actively create a brand of Liyang & ldquo; 263” special action. At the same time, according to &ldquo, strict in Changzhou requirements, higher than the Changzhou standard, faster than the progress of &rdquo in Changzhou, the principle of self pressure in the task completion and completion time.

For example, in the reduction, the city's chemical production enterprises 107, clear the next two years shut down chemical enterprises 75; ecological protection in ascension, this year will be the implementation of ecological Greentown project 16 project, 12 water source protection engineering, mine restoration projects, 10 projects, a total investment of over 700 million yuan.
Using innovative thinking to improve “ 263”. At the municipal level, “ 263” Jiangsu and Anhui, construction elements and Cooperation Demonstration Zone to create a civilized city and countryside construction characteristics of organic integration; to protect drinking water sources, the introduction of the "Changzhou Tianmu Lake Protection Ordinance", the establishment of the Tianmu Lake water source protection fund; relying on the Province's first county environmental protection center joint law enforcement, illegal investigation all kinds of environment 270; with good dialogue with neighboring counties, effectively carry out comprehensive environmental remediation across the region; the formation of city leadership supervision, “ 263” to do a thorough investigation, led by the Department of special inspection, investigation of the three-dimensional Township self inspection system; adhere to the national standard and people standard &ldquo test as the basic standard; 263” special the effectiveness of the action, has shut down chemical production enterprises 48, close the ban on livestock and poultry farms 200, treatment of black odor 69 water bodies.
4. Yangzhou: Yes, 1Comprehensive management of VOCs in 67 key enterprises
Recently, Yangzhou city “ 263” special action office dispatched to the city of chemical industry park, economic and Technological Development Zone, ecological science and Technology Park and other places, on-site inspection of waste gas treatment work related enterprises. Yizheng is located in the castle town of Yangzhou Jiejia industrial solid waste disposal Co., once smell nuisance, now, the company through the closed negative pressure collecting processing method effectively solves the problem of leakage of smell.

In the new coating workshop of Yangzhou Diesel Engine Co., Ltd., the reporter saw that the enterprise used environmental friendly water paint instead of the original oily paint, and added several spray painting robots, to avoid human absorption, effectively reduce the evaporation of paint. In addition, the waste gas generated in the whole construction process is collected by pipeline, and the waste gas is solved by catalytic combustion and activated carbon adsorption process to ensure that the exhaust gas reaches the national standard.

In order to further control the atmosphere, people satisfaction as the standard, this year, Yangzhou implementation of the comprehensive management of volatile organic compounds on the 167 key enterprises, improve waste collection rate and treatment rate, investment of about 6000000, a new set of RTO incinerator increased after the incineration of waste gas is far lower than the emission standard.
Review: “ 263” what does action mean?
“ 263” the overall goal of the special action is: by 2020, the annual average concentration of PM2.5 in the city decreased by more than 20% in 2015, the proportion of good air quality days in the city reached more than 72%, the water quality of the national test section was 70.2%, and the water content of the V class was basically eliminated.
“ two minus ” that is, in order to reduce coal consumption and reduce backward chemical production capacity as the key point, adjust the coal energy structure and heavy industry structure formed in Jiangsu province for a long time, and reduce the burden of the ecological environment from the source. By 2020, the number of chemical enterprises in the province has been greatly reduced, and the total amount of major pollutants in the chemical industry has been greatly reduced. The number of chemical enterprises in the chemical industry park has accounted for more than 50% of the total number of the province.
“ six governance ” that is, to focus on Taihu water environment, domestic waste, black and odorous water, livestock and poultry pollution, volatile organic compounds pollution and environmental risks. The total amount of volatile organic compounds in the province is reduced by more than 20%, and environmental risks are effectively prevented and resolved.
“ three to enhance ” it is to enhance the level of ecological protection, improve the level of environmental economic policy regulation, improve the level of environmental supervision and law enforcement, and provide a solid guarantee for the construction of ecological civilization.
Source: chemical state, Yangzhou radio and television “ sailing ” mobile phone channel, Changzhou daily