What is China called a world power?
China is the world's largest manufacturing country,
It has the most complete industrial system in the world,
China's industrial output has exceeded the sum of the United States, Japan and germany!
68 years ago,
China, a poor and blank,
More than 80% of them are illiterate,
Nail nail,
The car is called yangche,
Called kerosene oil
The match is a match
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China's per capita GDP8000 us dollars,
It can produce almost all the industrial goods in the world,
It is the largest trading nation in the world,
Only about seven million of college graduates each year.

68 years ago,
China's steel output is less than Germany in 1871.

World steel output, China's first, Hebei second, Hebei, Tangshan third!
Tangshan's steel output is two times more than Germany's steel output,
Some countries see the Chinese industrial capacity were,
One effort to prod China to reduce production.

68 years ago,
500 million of China's electricity generation is only 150 million of the population, 1/68 of the United states,
Per capita electricity generation is 1/267.

China's power generation is a combination of the United States and japan,
Absolutely global.

68 years ago,
There is not a bridge on the Yangtze River, and the ferry between the north and the south depends entirely on the ferry.

The highest bridge and longest bridge in the world,
Just one Wuhan City, there are 11 tunnels in Yangtze River bridge and two in the Yangtze river.
Among them, 4 tunnels in Yangtze River bridge and two in the Yangtze River are built in 5 years.

68 years ago,
The tallest The Empire State Building in the United States has been completed for 18 years,
There are no tall buildings in china.
The 10 tallest skyscrapers in the world,
There are 6 in china.

68 years ago,
The total mileage of China's railways is 21 thousand kilometers, which is far away from the 55 thousand kilometers of India.

The total mileage of China Railway is 124 thousand kilometers,
Among them, the total mileage of high-speed rail is more than 22 thousand kilometers,
Not only ranked first in the world, but also in the world,
China's high-speed rail operation speed is also the world's first.

68 years ago,
There is no highway in china,
Traffic inconvenience in china.
The total mileage of expressways in China exceeds 130 thousand km,
Ranking first in the world.

68 years ago,
Chinese customs and ports are all controlled by foreign countries.
The largest and most advanced ports in the world are in china,
Throughput of Yangshan Port only in Shanghai,
The sum of the 9 largest ports in the United states.
The world's largest semi submersible ship,
The world's largest ore carrier,
The world's largest container ship,
The most advanced LNG ship in the world,
China is the largest shipbuilding country in the world
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68 years ago,
We engage in the construction of Mara rely on the shoulder.
We can clean up an overpass every night,
A tall building can be built in a week.

68 years ago,
We calculate by abacus,
The first atomic bomb in China was invented by abacus.
Our supercomputer has captured the crown of the world for 6 consecutive years,
And in the next ten or twenty years to be expected,
No country can catch up.

The world's first quantum communication satellite,
The largest radio telescope in the world,
Unmanned aerial vehicle global leader,
Mobile phones account for almost all of the world's markets,
UHV power transmission,
Smart grid
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This kind of china,
Who dares to say that it is not a world power?!
This article source: chemical belated effort;

Official public micro signal