Stop production and limit production! 6 provinces expanded to 8 provinces and 34 cities, to see if you are in the provinces and cities
In winter heating period, many provinces have been involved in the production of air pollution to strengthen air pollution control. According to media reports, in addition to Beijing, Tianjin and surrounding areas of 6 provinces (municipalities), Jilin, Sichuan, Henan and other provinces to join the winter air pollution control battle. History of the most stringent “ downtime limit production ” spread! Winter stop production, limited production force from Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei Province expanded to 8 provinces and 34 cities in 6 provinces. Would you like to see the provinces and cities that you live in?

Beijing, Tianjin and environmental protection linkage law enforcement to tackle air pollution in autumn and winter
Recently, the Ministry of environmental protection, development and Reform Commission, the Ministry and other ministries and Beijing, Tianjin, Hebei and other provinces and municipalities jointly issued the "Beijing Tianjin and the surrounding area in 2017-2018 comprehensive management of autumn and winter air pollution crucial action plan".

1. scope of implementation
Beijing Tianjin Hebei air pollution transmission channel cities include:
Beijing city and Tianjin city;
Shijiazhuang, Tangshan, Langfang, Baoding, Cangzhou, Hengshui, Xingtai, Handan, Hebei;
Taiyuan, Yangquan, Changzhi and Jincheng in Shanxi;
Ji'nan, Zibo, Jining, Dezhou, Liaocheng, Binzhou, Heze, Shandong;
Henan, Kaifeng, Anyang, Hebi, Xinxiang, Jiaozuo, Puyang city (hereinafter referred to as “ 2+26” city, including Hebei, Zhengzhou, Xinji, Dingzhou, Henan, Gongyi, Lankao, Huaxian, Changyuan, Zhengzhou air port).
2., chemical industry and other industries in full production limit
Scheme proposed, from October 2017 to March 2018, the Beijing Tianjin Hebei air pollution transmission channel “ 2+26” city PM2.5 average concentration fell by more than 15%, heavy pollution days fell by more than 15%.
The heating period in 2017 November 15th, Tianjin and the surrounding area to be completed ahead of time to resolve the overcapacity task, “ 2+26” city completed 72 units, 3 million 980 thousand kilowatts coal-fired units out of the power series or flue coal-fired units out of the physical to cut.

At the same time, chemical industry, iron and steel, building materials, nonferrous metals and other industries will be staggering production.
“ 2+26” city to implement the classification management of iron and steel enterprises, in accordance with the emission performance level before the end of September 2017, making staggering limit production plan. Shijiazhuang, Tangshan, Handan, Anyang and other key cities, heating season steel production capacity limit 50%, to the blast furnace production capacity, the actual use of electricity to verify the enterprise.
In addition to protect the heating and other livelihood tasks, cement, brick, ceramics, gypsum board and other building materials industry all shut in heating season. Program requirements, all localities should be combined with the local building materials industry characteristics, raise the larger peak production requirements.
The colored chemical industry to optimize the production control, the above heating season of electrolytic aluminum plant Limited production of 30%, 30% alumina enterprises to limit production; carbon enterprises reach special emission limits, all production, achieve special emission limits, limiting the production of more than 50%; involved in raw medicine production of pharmaceutical enterprises involving the use of organic solvents, VOCs emission process in the production process pesticide companies involved in VOCs emission process, implementation of the cut-off in the heating season in principle.
The implementation of peak transport of bulk materials in industrial enterprises. Heavy pollution weather warning period, in addition to the protection of people's livelihood supplies, Bohai area of port transport vehicles are prohibited from import port.
Law enforcement linkage, implementation of policy
Recently, three of Tianjin environmental protection departments to strengthen air pollution supervision and environmental law enforcement linkage, the implementation of environmental protection department, before the introduction of the "Beijing Tianjin Hebei and the surrounding area 2017— autumn and winter of 2018 comprehensive pollution control crucial action plan".

According to the introduction, three environmental protection departments will focus on “ scattered sewage ” enterprises, coal smoke pollution, key industrial enterprises, non-point source pollution, carry out uninterrupted inspection of law enforcement, strengthen law enforcement linkage with the public security departments, according to the law to investigate and punish all kinds of atmospheric environmental violations.
For “ &rdquo enterprise three, scattered pollution; environmental law enforcement departments severely punished no environmental approval procedures, pollution control facilities or pollution control facilities are not running, no dust emissions, pollutant emissions exceed the standard organization of environmental violations, to take a comprehensive, consecutive daily fines, seizure, detention and other measures to limit production shutdown. Strengthen law enforcement, promote the comprehensive improvement.
Strengthen the soot pollution law enforcement, will strengthen the area of the ban on high polluting fuel combustion zone inspection, found that the use of coal, will be severely punished; on no fly zone and allowed the use of units of coal-fired boiler reserves to strengthen law enforcement and inspection efforts, in the elimination range and “ cleared &rdquo coal-fired boiler to carry out a comprehensive task; check, severely exceed the standard emissions and other environmental violations.
Three environmental enforcement departments in iron and steel, coking, cement, electricity, glass, nonferrous metals, waste incineration and other sources elevated emissions of volatile organic compounds in petroleum chemical industry, automobile manufacturing, machinery manufacturing, furniture manufacturing, packaging and printing (VOCs) industry as the focus, investigate and deal with violations of pollutant emissions, pollution control facilities do not exceed the standard in normal operation, on-line monitoring and other environmental resort to deceit.
In strengthening the non-point source pollution regulation, will urge the local government to implement the main responsibility of the straw Jinshao, such as satellite remote sensing found the fire point, promptly extinguish and punished according to the law, and severely punish construction dust, sediment transport, leak spread open burning, open-air barbecue, sale and use of inferior coal and other non-point source pollution.
Jilin, Sichuan joins the storming battle
Autumn and winter “ blue sky defense war ” coverage has reached 8 provinces and 34 cities.

"Sichuan province 2017-2018 years autumn and winter air pollution comprehensive control action plan" (hereinafter referred to as "Sichuan program"), from October this year to next year March period, firmly play “ blue sky defense warfareRdquo; effectively reduce the frequency of heavy pollution weather, reduce pollution levels, ensure that the sky days more than the same period last year, continuous haze days less than the same period last year.

In this regard, the State Council Development Research Center of resources and Environmental Policy Research Institute deputy director Li Zuojun said that in recent years Sichuan industrialization and urbanization is faster, more projects, the Sichuan basin is not conducive to the diffusion of air pollution, air pollution is also facing greater pressure.
Reporters query public information found in November 16, 2016, Sichuan province launched the first regional winter yellow warning. In September 28th this year, the Ministry of environmental protection held a symposium on heavy pollution weather in some provinces in winter, and the relevant officials of Liaoning, Jilin, Heilongjiang, Sichuan and Shaanxi provinces introduced the preparations for air pollution prevention and control in autumn and winter.
The "Sichuan plan" requires that the Chengdu plain, the south of Sichuan and the northeast of Sichuan should focus on the implementation of the 10 major tasks. Among them, all the cement clinker production line of the implementation of peak production, from November 2017 to February 2018 during the peak production of not less than 50 days. Heavy pollution weather, take emergency stop or limit production and other ways to achieve emission reduction, encourage serious overcapacity industry implementation staggering production.
At the same time, October 10th to 25, the Ministry of environmental protection environmental protection supervision center of Southwest Sichuan Province, also with the atmosphere, water and soil pollution prevention three campaign “ ” the relevant members of the leadership group of units, start the 8 key areas of city to carry out air pollution control projects for half a month in the inspection area of Chengdu plain.

"Jilin province in 2017 autumn and winter air pollution control “ hundred days crucial ” action plan" proposed in 2017, the province of respirable particulate matter (PM10) annual average concentration of 70 micrograms per cubic meter in control, which, in 2017 10-12 month of respirable particulate matter (PM10) annual average concentration of 90 micrograms per cubic meter in 2013 following. Over the same period decreased by more than 7.2%.
Jilin will carry out fixed pollution source emission standards, small coal-fired boilers “ zero ” key industries, staggering production, and comprehensive utilization of straw Jinshao, heavy pollution weather to deal with 5 special action. The staggering production is two: one of the main direction of building materials industry to the peak production in April fully implemented six months in November 2017, the electric power industry to increase green scheduling efforts, coal-fired boiler furnace and the implementation of peak.
(Henan) local innovation air pollution control system
In the heating period and heavy pollution weather, how to delimit the scope of stop production limits, different places have different programs.
Most provinces and municipalities delimit the scope of limited production by industry. While Henan is abandoning this “ the "one size fits all" &rdquo way, the implementation of green environmental protection unit priority production, high pollution unit limiting production of differentiated system.

Green environmental protection dispatching system (Trial) in Henan province put forward the implementation of green environmental protection dispatching system. If the industrial enterprises through the replacement of clean energy, to achieve low emissions, to carry out clean production, pollutant emissions reached the leading level, can enjoy priority access to special funds for air pollution prevention and control support, included in the direct trading of power environmental protection free trial list, in principle no longer included in all levels of pollution weather inventory control and enjoy the EIA approval “ green ” total pollutant emission index distribution channel, tilt and so on a number of different incentive policies.
Companies that do not meet this level are limited to production. During the winter heating period, the implementation of staggering production control of heavily polluting industrial enterprises. High temperature weather in summer, production of volatile organic compounds emissions, industrial enterprises, municipal spraying operations, gasoline handling operations such as high temperature time staggered production.
Luo Jianhua, chief environmental policy expert at the Environmental Services Association of the National Federation of industry and commerce, said that the system takes environmental protection instead of traditional finance, land and other means of regulation, and this attempt may form a mechanism in the future.
Although the limited production measures in Zhangjiakou, Lanzhou and other places also imply the idea of limiting the production of high emission enterprises, but such a special policy to introduce air pollution emission control in Henan, is also the first national initiative.
Li Zuojun believes that the implementation of green environmental dispatch system has three advantages.
First, it provides a good direction. In energy consumption, pollution, clean production and other aspects of doing good business with reward, reward.
Two is to increase the effect of environmental pollution control. The emission of pollutants from a place mainly comes from resources, energy consumption, emissions of many enterprises, limiting these enterprises directly reached the effect of pollution control and emission reduction.
Three can be forced to upgrade the industrial transformation. Preferential policies for green environmental protection enterprises (such as EIA approval “ green ” channel) can promote the highly polluting enterprises to actively control pollution, thus forcing the transformation and upgrading of industrial product structure, forcing enterprises to promote technological progress, seeking innovation driven.
It is learnt that, in the future, Henan or the green environmental protection scheduling system gradually extended from industrial enterprises to other industries.
Xiao Bian has something to say

Perhaps, some people will say that these factories all day up smokestacks cause pollution, should stop, not to mention the future development trend is to eliminate the backward industries, what are the poor. Perhaps people have rich, does not need when the town factory made things, a car, said wisecracking.
How many employees lost their jobs, so how many elderly people did not have enough health, how many wives lost their family support, how many sons and daughters lost their happy childhood and youth. As the government's functional departments, the state's public power can be used to shut down the enterprises, but the funds in these departments have the tax revenue of the enterprises being shut down. As the government departments should do more is to guide and help enterprises can meet the environmental requirements of production, rather than simply and violently shut down enterprises.For this “ blue sky defense ” what else do you think?