Why not say acetylene bottle upside down
Often there are security managers wondering why acetylene bottles are stored and used to stand upright instead of lying down.
There are four reasons for it:
Reason 1: acetylene bottle contains fillers and solvents (Bing Tong). When it's lying in place, Bing Tong will easily flow out with acetylene gas. It will not only increase the consumption of Bing Tong, but also reduce the burning temperature and affect the use. At the same time, it will cause tempering and cause acetylene bottle explosion.
Cause 2: when acetylene bottle lies, it is easy to roll, and the bottle and bottle, bottle and other objects are easily impacted, forming excitation energy and causing the occurrence of acetylene bottle accident.

Reason 3: the acetylene bottle is equipped with shockproof rubber ring, the purpose is to prevent the collision between the loading and unloading, transportation and use.
Rubber apron is an insulating material, which means that acetylene bottles are placed on electrical insulators, so that the static electricity generated on cylinders can not spread to the earth, and can be concentrated on the bottle body. It is easy to generate electrostatic sparks. When acetylene gas leaks, it is easy to cause combustion and explosion accidents.
4 reasons: the use of acetylene bottle valve is equipped with a vacuum connector, flame arrester, a hose, because lying is easy to roll, rolling pressure reducer, easily damaged arrester or pull off hose, causing leakage of acetylene gas to discharge, resulting in fire and explosion.
To sum up, the acetylene cylinder must be placed upright.
Source: safety production technology