Why do I leave PetroChina

This hero: Ten Xinyu
After 5 years of work in CNPC, &ldquo, 28, I ” decided to jump out of the system and change myself!
Why do you choose to leave? The following 4 points!
Personal interest
First of all, I chose to leave not because the company was bad! On the contrary, China's petroleum is the symbol of the dream of countless enterprises: the motherland, the policy support, the system perfection, the Talent Gathering and the monopoly of the industry.

But all these halos are business, and there's nothing to do with the bottom staff like me!
To be ashamed, it was only because it was in the front of the school to find a job. With the oil industry closed natural home, no one in this industry, causing their absolutely ignorant of the choices they make, blind decision, into a pit in disorderly fashion!
After the entry of the job, it was found that the real work and own anticipation are the gap between the cloud and the earth! Although the “ the ideal is full, the reality is very skinny ” for I was really surprised! The more important thing is: I have no sense of this job!
work environment
After the entry, the luxury Oil Mansion in the bustling city is a few, and most people will work in the front line. The line is the Gobi desert, deep mountains and forests, birds and animals have few people tread!

Life or you are a drilling platform, dormitory, canteen; either in or near or far apart between the site of non-stop shuttle! I belong to the latter, and I have more than half a year to stay on the car. It's not an exaggeration. You may have been sleeping in the evening, and I'm still on the mountain road in the well.
The frequent black-and-white reversal made me lose the concept of time and let my body be in a subhealthy state for a long time. In addition, the danger of the industry, the nerve has been in a tight state, I began to insomnia, anxiety, become angry and nervous!
However, there is no place to pour and vent, because you are far away from the city, away from your family and friends, and you are most familiar with only a few colleagues around you! And they may be worse than you, and even need your guidance!
There is also the problem of the working place, which is really important! The ideal situation is: work, settlement, company headquarters, home in the same city. But the reality is — — the working place: Northern Shaanxi; settlement: Chongqing; the company headquarters: Chongqing; the old house: Hebei!
My energy is ruthlessly tore into three pieces!
Prospects for development
At present, the basic way of thinking to stay in “ in &rdquo stage, war power leveling; that is the master apprentice, while the dry side, there is almost no systematic training after induction of such things.
So after a few years' work, technicians will find that their technology is stagnant, and the company seems to have no signs of progress. They have no systematic cognition of the whole industry, and don't know what to learn, how to learn and how to learn. It leads to the so-called “ the technician ” the skilled worker of a certain post, not a real expert.
In fact, for technical personnel at the grass-roots level, it is possible that the enterprise is in this position. Technology believes that we can become a master by ourselves, and then become a technical bull in guiding work. Finally, we return to the Institute as a technology expert.
But what about the reality? The more skilled, well done, and powerful people, the more you can't leave the front line, the more you want to go to the front line to reflect their own value!
So, the professional ceiling is really very low! The end of his life may be just a small head! Of course, there are also very good people who can go out of their own hierarchy and have more choices. But this kind of change, in the real system, the success rate is not high! More people are working with cattle, but they can't see the day of being a tiger, let alone the dream of a wolf.
The pursuit of life
The Chinese people's consistent “ change fear ” make stability the first competitive power of the state-owned enterprises. If your goal is to pursue a stable life, then from “ graduate to the top 500 of the world's top 500 state-owned enterprise ” in this view, you are very successful.
And the oil industry is relatively well paid, and the welfare is perfect. You will not face the dilemma of unemployment before the policy is not adjusted.
However, the reasons for many candidates in this industry may be just “ my parents think the oil industry is good ”!
From the perspective of parents, perhaps they are the beneficiaries of the oil, so I hope the children can walk along their road; perhaps they are not oil practitioners, but was attracted by the central enterprises to think in halo, yes, but also the way to show off the talk as peers!
One thing to note is that the salary of state-owned enterprises is actually overestimated. The general practice is to use the total payroll / total number of employees in the industry, but the average salary is obtained. The data is not true under the obvious top advantage.
The more unreasonable is that the wage level has been maintained for more than ten years, after ten years of development, in the collapse of oil prices, some units in a little less amount of wages falling instead of rising, causing the “ money when not multiple, lose money when the hard Buckle & rdquo; strange the phenomenon of.
For the current problems, the older generation will usually come up with “ suffer first, pleasure in life creed &rdquo. In fact, it is not wrong. It is true that the enjoyment should not be the goal in the young, but people always have to pursue it all their life.
No one likes less money, more things, home is far away, you can let it beI have struggled for a while, but I can't make me work hard all my life! If only the first wine on the table to toss about it with a friend blowing hard work? It's worth it to have a dream for a dream, or you must stop and think about it!
Change is the necessity of the times, more and more people like to try to find the way they like, instead of hanging on a tree.
Choose to leave the people the courage to spend life for the promotion of the road with no reality whatever, they leave the remote hard, high strength and high dangerous work environment, and leave the perplexing bloated bureaucracy, only to find that their own way!
Finally, give you a little advice: no background, do not enter the state-owned enterprise! Don't go to state-owned enterprises if you want to do things! Want to make big money, do not enter the state-owned enterprise!
The halo of the state-owned enterprises is not as bright as you think, nor is it far from the so-called haven. Before entering the business, we should consult with the people in the industry to understand the market, not as reckless as I did at the beginning. If you haven't entered the pit yet, I hope this article will give you some help; if you have already struggled in the pit, I hope to give you some reference!
Source: Ten Xinyu