14 amazing maps of physics and chemistry world, super incredible.
In the American drama the big bang, there is a classic line: Science is my lady. After reading the magic GIF collection, I may fall in love with science like him.
1, the reaction of the steel velvet and the battery, like magic

2. Put water gel beads in color water

3, see how they are balanced

4. This is... A burning match

5, a² +b² =c²

6. The combustion of ammonium bichromate is like a monster

7. Pencil electrified

8, the power of the neodymium magnet

9, rotating boric acid flame

10. Put liquid nitrogen together with 1500 table tennis balls.

11, simple physical chain reaction

12, the teacher demonstrates &ldquo in class; the explosion flame ”

13. After throwing a pound of sodium into the lake.

14, three super sensitivity of iodized nitrogen

The content of this paper is from metal processing, reprinted from “ process industry ”