15 pictures to understand the blind and efficient areas

Priorities to be done
Only a few pieces

If you have a lot of priorities to do, that means you have no priority at all.
You switch between multiple tasks and multiple projects without a focus. Just like light, if you can't focus on one point, the energy will not accumulate. So your time and your energy are dispersed and dissolved by different tasks.
How do you do it?
To do anything is guided by a basic principle: not too much, not even a thing.
For example, your goals, projects and the list of agents should follow this principle.
Know when to say no

Your time, energy and resources are limited. When a request is unreasonable or even meaningless, you must reject it.
Or that's a waste of your limited life. Worse, it can even damage your quality of life and career development.
How do you do it?
When others make unreasonable demands, you can reply: I will reply to you later.
This is a simple and effective way that I can think of. This allows you to give yourself time, think more about the reasons for refusing, and even use email or text messages to reply, avoiding the embarrassment of refusing in person.
Think again and again before action

When things are complicated and time is very limited, you are very likely to make the wrong decision.
In the face of major events, you need to consult with experienced predecessors for more useful information.
This is good for you to make a more appropriate decision.
How do you do it?
In the face of decision, breathe deeply for 3 seconds and think for 10 seconds.
In the face of important decisions, take a deep breath for 1 hours and think about it for a day or even a week.
In short, before making decisions and actions, set aside enough time for yourself to collect information and consult your predecessors.
Do one thing at a time

Our ability is limited. When the tasks we want to do are both important and complex, we can make it better only if we put all the energy and attention on it.
How do you do it?
There is no other task, only this one, there is nothing to distract you. Let's just keep one thing in the workspace. Simple and simple.
Focus on panoramic view
Rather than the details

Do not know the true face of Mount Lu, only in this mountain. When you look at a tree, you can't see the whole picture of the forest. When you are on the mountainside, you do not know which mountain is high or the mountain is low, but you do not know the whole mountain.
Only by focusing on panoramic view can you grasp the key points.
How do you do it?
So when you start the project, the first thing is to eat the biggest frog. Then, in accordance with logical relationship, you can accomplish your plan one by one.
Know when to delegate a task

Your ability is limited. If you want to do big things and make big money, you need a lever to magnify your efforts.
How do you do it?
It depends on your position in the company.
If you are a boss, the first thing you need to learn is how to use your people.
If you are an old hand, you need to learn to manage the novice.
If you want to cooperate with others, you need to be familiar with their strengths, and then delegate them to do what they are good at.
For beginners, you need to take the time and effort to train them to become what you want.
Save time for reflection and planning

This is the key process to accomplish things and projects. Everything must be planned, executed, and introspection.
The plan is to create a panorama, clear key issues and workflow. The purpose of reflection is to reflect on the right choice of key items, whether the workflow is the best solution, whether the implementation is good or not, so as to do better next time.
How do you do it?
All things are done according to this process: planning, execution and introspection. Especially for important and complex projects, it is necessary to repeat many times and resolutely implement them.
Keep full of energy

The reason is very straightforward. Full of energy can help you maintain your emotional and cognitive capacity. In this way, you can do the task &rdquo for “ provide strong firepower.
How do you do it?
I think the three pillars of life are the key: plenty of sleep, proper exercise and a reasonable diet, plus one: achievement and results, and your motivation is stronger.
There are few things in the to-do list

Why? How do you do it?
See the first.
Closing the door to reduce distraction

Distraction can distract you from your goals and get your focus lost. You say it hates and doesn't hate it.
How do you do it?Divide a clear demarcation line and isolate distraction stimuli. This process can best be automated to achieve small payoffs and big returns.
For example: closing the door does not allow others to disturb;
For example, go to the library to reduce interference.
Leave time
Do the most important thing

If you don't have time to do the most important things, it means that you have no time to succeed.
Because the meaning of success is to do the most important things well.
How do you do it?
Find out the most important thing for you. Remember, there is only one thing. Shut the door and work hard.
Have a clear goal
And implementation strategy

Without clear goals, what you do is fragmented. You can't focus all your abilities on one point to succeed.
No strategy means that everything you do is in the wrong direction. You are wasting your time.