A great passage only HR can understand
Only HR can understand the great passage!
I'm retiring and I'm going to open a pancake stall
A colleague who had been recruited and left by me
My greatest advantage is: Cooking
Because I'm good at making pie in people

I have the 666 most occupational disease
When you sit on the subway, the next person calls and says:
“ the salary is more than 300 tax &rdquo this month.
It's only 2 seconds in the brain.
Automatically pour out other people's wages

But I am most afraid to hear a word:
“ I have something to tell you, social security and provident fund miscalculated &rdquo.

A post for five years
It's easier to make pay, like underground work.
The recruitment of the eyes is full of eyes, and the eyes are full of questions.
Training every day, full of chicken blood, Fan Er is very pyramid selling.
Generally speaking, it is suitable for children to be friends.
The most bitter and deep of the labor dispute
Obviously, the working people do not dress up as capitalists.

I face &ldquo in my HR career; Wang Feng ”
Face “ Yang Yang ”...
Back to “ Ma Yun ” did his job

My husband and I are all HR
Our life is like an interview all the time
And IDP, making each other
Never seen such an advanced family

I am a whole year of HR,
The boss is too much on me!
Every day urges me to recruit,
Urging me to take the attendance system
Pay system and performance system
The staff manual and the enterprise culture
To build up the construction of the regiment
Also make a sales appraisal system
PS video clips, landscape effect maps,
Bird's eye map making
Feel self - employed

Please close your eyes in the dark.
CEO and manager please open your eyes. Please mention recruitment requirements. Please close your eyes.
HR please open your eyes... HR please screen your resume, recommend your resume, and interview.
Talk about offer, offer, offer and pre service care
Can HR confirm to be able to get to the post? HR please close your eyes...
It's daylight... HR pawns...

Some people say
HR's life is always wronged
Is a flinged angel
Leadership: Leadership
Subordinate to: employee gas
Cross batch: where to get gas

I used to laugh all the time, no one knew it.
Now, I often cry, no one knows.
The seams complement the broken HR heart for 3 years
Always play chicken blood for others
I can only hide in the corner and mend the wound

HR is a meteor
A dazzling light
Turn away and disappear
The way to look back but not to see

Nearly a year is basically working overtime to 1 points a day
The chicken's blood is full
Originally thought to do HR do not lack work
But I didn't expect to be short of people now
My heart's broken

The most annoying thing is
Every time you talk about a career
A lot of people will say HR is good, work is very easy …
I'm holding a fire, “ which is easy? Which is easy? ”
OS: you don't know what HR is doing!
I'm going to have it, because I'm HR
I have to understand what other people don't understand, because I'm HR

I want to add one to the rules.
The back of the door
Do not engage in HR work
If you don't listen to it
No return to the ancestral grave after a hundred years
This. Ruthless)
Although a lot of heart words
But many HR are still plowing silently
To be a better self

Source: HR forensic consultation