The ban is coming! New chemical projects are prohibited in Jiangsu, Guangdong, Shandong and other places.
In recent years, under the increasingly stringent environmental protection requirements, the standardization movement of chemical industrial parks has been carried out all over the country. It is forbidden to re build chemical industrial parks and large areas of radiation to the national chemical enterprises. Today, Guangdong, Jiangsu, Shandong and other major chemical provinces put forward stricter standards for high-quality development of the chemical industry. The prohibition of new chemical projects has become the most direct &rdquo for chemical enterprises; killer “
Guangdong Province
On September 5, the Draft Regulations on the Prevention and Control of Air Pollution in Guangdong Province (Draft) solicited public opinions from all walks of life. According to the draft, the Pearl River Delta region will prohibit steel, crude oil processing, ethylene production, papermaking, cement, flat glass, ceramics other than special ceramics, and non-ferrous metal smelting in addition to the state plan. And other heavy air pollution projects.

Jiangsu Province
On September 4, the Jiangsu Provincial Government held a press conference on accelerating the transformation and upgrading of the province's chemical industry, iron and steel, coal and electricity industry, and interpreted the implementation opinions on speeding up the transformation and upgrading of the province's chemical industry and high-quality development, as well as the transformation and upgrading of the three major industries in Jiangsu Province.
“ speed up the transformation and upgrading of the three industries, and comprehensively enhance the entry threshold for environmental protection. Chen Zhipeng, deputy director of the provincial environmental protection department, cited the chemical industry as an example, that is, it is strictly prohibited to construct dangerous chemicals wharfs and chemical enterprises within 1 km of the shoreline of the Yangtze River mainstream and main tributaries; that is, coastal areas should focus on the implementation of advanced, efficient and green. Chemical industry projects; Chemical industry park to “ Upgrade ” Overall upgrading of infrastructure, the existing chemical industry park to carry out “ 141 ” Basic environmental engineering.
At the same time, Jiangsu Province has issued the Catalogue of Restrictions, Eliminations and Prohibitions on the Adjustment of Industrial Structure in Jiangsu Province. Among them, the prohibited items are: the establishment of new chemical industrial parks, the establishment of new chemical enterprises outside the chemical industrial parks (in addition to key chemical monitoring points and the promotion of safety, environmental protection, energy-saving level and oil quality upgrading, structural adjustment). Other renovation and expansion projects, new renovation and expansion projects of enterprises with imperfect environmental infrastructure or long-term unstable operation in chemical industrial parks, petroleum processing, petrochemical industry, basic organic and inorganic chemical industry, coal chemical industry projects with imported oil and gas resources as raw materials (along the Yangtze River area), new construction of "dangerous chemistry" The list of highly toxic chemicals listed in the Catalogue, Priority Control Chemistry, and the newly-built and expanded chemical and pharmaceutical production projects (the first and second protection areas in the Taihu Lake Basin).

Shandong Province
According to the Shandong government website, the Shandong government has issued the "Shandong Province Wins the Blue Sky Defense Operational Plan and 2013-mdash; 2020 Air Pollution Prevention and Control Planning Phase III Action Plan (2018-mdash; 2020)".
"Plan" clearly put forward the prohibition of new chemical parks, comprehensive treatment & ldquo; scattered Pollution & rdquo; enterprises, will be 100 key industrial parks as a grasp, promote the management of various types of industrial parks, with great efforts!
Shandong Provincial "Plan" stipulates that seven transmission channel cities (Jinan, Zibo, Jining, Dezhou, Liaocheng, Binzhou, Heze) prohibit the new chemical park, and strengthen the existing chemical park renovation. All cities and towns that have made clear the return of the city must have a clear timetable, and they will not suspend production if they fail to return to the city within the time limit.
Zhejiang Province
A few days ago, Zhejiang Province issued a "three-year plan of action to win the blue sky defense war", which explicitly requires the whole province to ban new chemical parks, and to intensify the existing chemical park renovation.
Similar to Shandong Province, more efforts have been made to control the waste gas in the park, and at the same time, the comprehensive control of coal-fired boilers has been integrated. The intensified prevention and control measures in Zhejiang Province are mainly aimed at consolidating the achievements in the construction of non-combustion zones and intensifying the elimination of small coal-fired boilers. We should deepen the building of clean energy demonstration provinces and increase the readjusting of energy structure.
Yinchuan City
Recently, Yinchuan Environmental Protection Bureau issued "Yinchuan City & ldquo; 13th Five-Year Plan & rdquo; Total Control Plan of Major Pollutants". Planning requirements, the city will no longer build, rebuild, expand the electrolytic aluminum, ferroalloy, iron and steel, cement, flat glass, coke, papermaking, biological fermentation and other heavy pollution and overcapacity projects; urban and suburban industrial parks will no longer build coal-fired power plants (excluding cogeneration), coking, coal chemical, non-ferrous metal smelting, and so on. New projects involving heavy air pollution, such as calcium carbide, ferroalloy, petrochemical and activated carbon, are prohibited in the South and north of the urban area.

Tianjin City
Tianjin issued the three year battle plan to win the blue sky in Tianjin (2018&mdash, 2020). The plan calls for a ban on the construction, production and use of solvent-based coatings, inks and adhesives with high VOC content.
Xi'an City
Xi'an Municipal People's Government has issued Xi'an & ldquo; Haze Control with Iron Wrist & Middot; Blue Sky & rdquo; Three-year Action Plan (2018 & mdash; 2020); Xi'an 2018 & ldquo; Haze Control with Iron Wrist & middot; Blue Sky & rdquo; & ldquo; 1 + 2 + 22 & rdquo; Combination Plan (Method). The plan proposes that it is prohibited to build or expand coal-fired power generation, coal-fired cogeneration and coal-fired central heating projects, and to build, expand or rebuild petrochemical, coal chemical, cement and coking projects.

Since 2016-2017, in the context of capacity removal and supply-side reform, a large number of small and medium-sized enterprises, including chemical industry enterprises, have become the target of capacity removal, especially in the haze roof.Under the circumstances, SMEs were shut down in a one-size-fits-all manner. Under the environmental protection of Shangfang sword, small and medium-sized manufacturing industry has become a victim, aggravating the bankruptcy of small and medium-sized entity enterprises.
The current round of supply-side and environmental storms started by the enterprise bankruptcy tide, will spread from private SMEs to large state-owned enterprises, from the export manufacturing sector to the basic, resource-based industry sector transmission, from the active service industry to producer services.
As a synonym of high output value and high tax, the chemical industry has contributed a lot to the rapid economic growth of various regions. Chemical enterprises have been the pillar of GDP and fiscal revenue in many regions. However, in the face of increasing pressure on environmental protection, various regions can be said to have changed color, shut down, relocation and environmental protection policies. Strange tricks. Now it is even more direct prohibition of construction, the existence of chemical enterprises evolved into & ldquo; obstructor & rdquo; in a precarious situation.
On the road of ceaselessly shutting down enterprises, the survival wind of the fittest of the nationwide chemical enterprises will surely blow up. The chemical enterprises that can survive will have to take the road of new energy and environmental protection to develop for a longer time.