PetroChina takes the lead. Opening the oil conference
Recently, General Secretary Xi Jinping gave important instructions on petroleum development, pointing out that domestic oil and gas exploration and development efforts should be vigorously enhanced to ensure energy security.
In order to implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's instructions, & ldquo; Santong Oil & rdquo; all held management meetings to study and deploy related work to ensure oil and gas reserves production. Recently, CNPC's major oil fields have been reported frequently, and the oil rally has been fully launched.
What actions are there in PetroChina's major oil fields?
After the important oil discovery in Bayan Hetao exploration area of Inner Mongolia, Changqing Oilfield has obtained important exploration discovery in Hetao Basin, Song 5 well test yielded 62.6 cubic meters of high yield oil flow; La 5-27 well area of Daqing Oilfield produced 35,000 tons of oil and increased 7,500 tons of oil by well pattern reconstruction test.
In terms of production:
In the first 8 months of this year, PetroChina completed the goal of oil and gas production at a high level and over schedule.
Daqing Oilfield

Daqing oilfield around & ldquo; production, efficiency & rdquo; this main line, the deployment of accurate and efficient development, and constantly promote geological research intensification projects, water flooding control and efficiency improvement projects, three production and quality improvement projects, measures to increase oil and efficiency projects and other high-yield projects.
Xinjiang Oilfield
The fracturing efficiency of many wells in Xinjiang oilfield is increased by nearly 1/3 by simultaneous fracturing. As a key block of petroleum exploration and development in China, there are 35 centralized industrial operation platforms in Mahu area, with a new production capacity of 1.63 million tons and 551,000 tons of oil produced this year, which has become a new growth pole for domestic crude oil production.
yumen oil field
The deployment and drilling of all new wells in Yumen Oilfield are accelerating, and all departments are speeding up the convergence to ensure that the new drilling tasks for this year can be completed ahead of schedule and the well deployment for 2019 is in advance.
Southwest oil and gas field
In terms of natural gas production, the Southwest Oil and Gas Field is accelerating its pace of development. The planned production of shale gas is nearly 90% higher than last year, striving to achieve 13.4 billion square meters of gas production this winter and next spring, and ensuring the supply in winter. The annual production of natural gas is planned to increase to more than 30 billion square meters by 2020 and reach 70 billion square meters by 2035.
Changqing Oilfield

Changqing Oilfield upholds the exploration strategy of “ concentrating on exploration, risk exploration, fine exploration and comprehensive exploration ” after the discovery of Jihua 2 well in Jilantai area of Alxa League, Inner Mongolia, Changqing Oilfield has obtained 62.6 square high yield oil flow in Song 5 well of exploration well in Dangkou County, Bayannaoer City, Inner Mongolia.
Daqing Oilfield
Outburst benefit exploration in Daqing oilfield, the proportion of high-yield wells in conventional oil exploration and evaluation wells has reached a new record, the effect of large-scale fracturing and production enhancement in tight oil horizontal wells is remarkable, and the natural gas exploration shows a scale of 100 billion cubic meters.
tarim oilfield
Tarim Oilfield has made every effort to fight the two battles of exploration and development in front of Kuqa Mountain and comprehensive management of old oil and gas fields. The Kelishen Gas Field has a capacity of 20 million cubic meters of natural gas per day and a beam of 30 billion cubic meters of natural gas.
Liaohe Oilfield
Liaohe oilfield is an outburst of high-efficiency exploration, the current control reserves and predicted reserves have exceeded schedule to complete the annual plan.
Jilin Oilfield
To tackle the key problems of low damage fracturing and oil testing in mudstone fractured reservoirs in Jilin oilfield, the development difficulties of such reservoirs can be overcome.
huabei oilfield
Huabei Oilfield seizes the opportunity of internal circulation of mineral rights, speeds up resource evaluation and exploration deployment in Bayanhetao exploration area, and breaks the silent situation of oil exploration in Hetao basin for more than 40 years in only 7 months.
Qinghai Oilfield
Qinghai Oilfield has achieved good results in new areas such as deep structural gas exploration in Kunteyi and deep exploration expansion in Heroic Ridge by increasing key block throwing exploration and strategic field risk exploration.
Jidong Oilfield
Jidong Oilfield plans to increase fracturing efforts, increase the scale of application, ensure the year-round workload of fracturing measures, while learning the fracturing mode of brother units, control fracturing costs, improve fracturing effect, and strive to increase single well control of geological reserves.
Tuha Oilfield
Through intensive exploration of oil and gas-rich depression in Tuha oilfield, three high-quality reserves blocks, Pubei 2, Shen 11 and Ma 216, have been discovered.
How did China's oil sector score?
It is reported that PetroChina issued its semi-annual report for 2018, with operating income of 11.88 billion yuan in the first half of the year, an increase of 13.6%, net profit of 27.866 billion yuan, an increase of 113.7%, interim dividend of 0.0666 yuan per share and medium-term special dividend of 0.0222 yuan per share, a total dividend of 16.252 billion yuan.
Exploration and production plate
In the first half of 2018, the turnover of exploration and production plates was 297.364 billion yuan, up 22.6 percent from 242.620 billion yuan in the first half of 2017.
Operating profit is RMB 29.889 billion yuan, an increase of RMB 22.973 billion yuan compared with RMB 6.916 billion yuan in the first half of 2017, returning to the dominant position of CNPC.
Refining and chemical sector
In the first half of 2018, refining and chemical sector turnover was 409.070 billion yuan, 23.3 percent higher than the first half of 2017, which was 331.703 billion yuan.
The operating profit of RMB 23.208 billion yuan was 46.5% higher than that of RMB 15.837 billion yuan in the first half of 2017. The refining business benefited from the increase of gross profit and processing capacity, and realized the operating profit of RMB 16.911 billion yuan, which was 84.5% higher than that of RMB 9.164 billion yuan in the same period of last year. Influenced by planned inspection and maintenance, such as petrochemical and Jilin Petrochemical, the operating profit was 6.298 billion yuan, 5.6 percent less than 6.673 billion yuan in the same period last year.Sales plate
In the first half of 2018, the sales volume of the plate was 929.735 billion yuan, up 15.5 percent from 805.262 billion yuan in the first half of 2017.
The operating profit of RMB 4 billion 485 million yuan was 21.1% lower than that of the 5 billion 682 million yuan in the first half of 2017.
Natural gas and pipeline plates
In the first half of 2018, the turnover of the natural gas and pipeline sector was 173.286 billion yuan, up 21.5 percent from 142.649 billion yuan in the first half of 2017.
Operating profit of RMB 16 billion 105 million yuan, an increase of 15.6% over the 13 billion 934 million yuan in the first half of 2017. In the first half of 2018, when imports of imported gas and liquefied natural gas (LNG) from the natural gas and pipeline sector increased substantially by 8.919 billion cubic meters, efforts were made to control losses, resulting in a net loss of RMB 13.413 billion yuan, an increase of RMB 1.615 billion yuan over the same period of last year.
Source: cubic oil