Guangdong has introduced 10 major measures to reduce the burden on the manufacturing industry. Rare intensity
Recently, the Guangdong Provincial People's Government issued a circular entitled "Some Policies and Measures to Reduce the Support of Manufacturing Industry to Entity Economic Development in Guangdong Province (& ldquo; Revision & rdquo;) (hereinafter referred to as Revision).

According to the revised edition, the Guangdong Provincial Government is mainly engaged in reducing tax burden, land use cost, social security cost, electricity cost, transportation cost, financing cost, institutional transaction cost, and supporting industrial enterprises to activate land resources, improve utilization efficiency, high-quality development of manufacturing industry, and increase support for major industrial projects. It is rare to reduce the cost of manufacturing enterprises and support the development of the real economy.
Step one: reduce the tax burden of enterprises
Mainly from the following aspects:
Firstly, within the range of tax stipulated by the state, the applicable tax standard of urban land use tax should be lowered, and the applicable tax of vehicle, vehicle and ship tax should be lowered to the lowest level of statutory tax rate.
Secondly, we should reduce the standard of stamp duty collection and purchase according to the approved purchase conditions.
Thirdly, the head offices and branches of the provincial trans-regional manufacturing enterprises that meet the requirements are allowed to collect and pay value-added tax, and the branches are put into storage locally.
Fourthly, the input tax of value-added tax which has not been deducted in a certain period of time shall be refunded to the advanced manufacturing industry, R&D and other modern service industries or enterprises that meet the relevant conditions.
Fifthly, from 2018 to 2022, the provinces and municipalities shall award the reinvested projects in Guangdong for the profits allocated by foreign investors from Chinese resident enterprises.
Step two: reduce the cost of land use
First of all, & ldquo; three old & rdquo; land transformation and additional urban and rural construction land in the province to give priority to the protection of advanced manufacturing demand.
Secondly, the relevant provincial & ldquo; 13th five-year & rdquo; planned manufacturing projects enjoy the treatment of provincial key construction projects.
Thirdly, for manufacturing projects with priority to industrial development and intensive land use in Guangdong Province, the land transfer price can be implemented at 70% of the lowest standard of industrial land corresponding to the land in the locality, and the longest term of industrial land transfer is 50 years.
Step three: reduce the cost of corporate social insurance
The revised edition mainly adjusts the old-age insurance, unemployment insurance, medical insurance, maternity insurance, industrial injury insurance, etc.
Firstly, the upper and lower limits of the enterprise pension insurance payment base should be reasonably determined, and the proportion of unit contribution higher than 14% should be carried out by 14%.
Second, we should promote the floating rate system of unemployment insurance for eligible cities.
Third, the cumulative surplus of the staff and workers'medical insurance co-ordinated fund is too high in the co-ordinated areas, and the unit payment rate should be moderately reduced.
Fourthly, if the accumulated surplus of the employees'childbirth insurance fund exceeds the overall planning area of 9 months, the childbirth insurance premium rate can be reduced to less than 0.5% of the total wages of the employees in the enterprises, and to 0.5% already, it can be further reduced to 0.45%.
Fifthly, the rate of industrial injury insurance premium for eligible insured units has been lowered, and the average rate of industrial injury insurance has been reduced by 20% ~ 30%.
Step four: reduce the electricity cost of enterprises
First, by 2020, the proportion of electricity generated by the electricity market in Guangdong will not be less than 60%.
Second, the national standard for the collection of major water conservancy construction funds has been reduced by 25%.
Thirdly, the self-owned power plants should be urged to take the policy of cross-subsidies, reduce the price of natural gas power generation, continue to reduce the province's general industrial and commercial electricity prices, clean up and reduce the grid link charges.
Step five: reduce transportation costs of enterprises
Firstly, on the expressway sections wholly owned and controlled by the state-owned transportation enterprises of the provincial level, the trial toll of freight vehicles legally loaded with Yuetong cards to pay the toll is 50% off.
Second, push the highway section of the city to trial vehicle toll 15% off discount.
Third, stop approving new highway fees, and gradually cancel common highway tolls.
Fourthly, the prefectures and municipalities that are in a position to do so should be encouraged to independently implement preferential policies on vehicle tolls through government compensation or repurchase, and to formulate pilot schemes for differentiated toll collection on expressways.
Step six: reduce the financing cost of enterprises
Firstly, we should actively open up foreign capital channels to support the development of manufacturing industry, and encourage large enterprises to set up financial companies to provide low-cost financing services for upstream and downstream enterprises.
Secondly, before 2020, provincial finance made financial subsidies to private enterprises applying for listing in China.
Thirdly, privately-owned enterprises that have successfully listed on the new third board will be rewarded 500,000 yuan, and privately-owned enterprises that have entered the new third board will be rewarded 300,000 yuan.
Fourthly, private enterprises that issue convertible corporate bonds in the provincial regional equity markets, or which have successfully made direct financing by increasing their capital and expanding their shares, shall be given subsidies at 2% of the enterprise's financing amount, with each enterprise's subsidies not exceeding 3 million yuan.
Fifthly, subsidies should be given to the listed enterprises in accordance with 3% of the financing amount, and the subsidies for each enterprise should not exceed 3 million yuan.
Sixth, banks, commercial factoring companies, financial companies and other institutions are encouraged to provide accounts receivable financing for small and medium-sized enterprises upstream and downstream of the industrial chain of core enterprises.
Seventh, encourage enterprises to expand the financing channels by means of stock ownership.
Eighth, relying on & ldquo; Digital Government & rdquo; reform, further play the role of small and medium-sized enterprises in Guangdong Province credit information and financing docking platform.
Measure seven: reduce the institutional transaction costs of enterprises
First, shorten the time of examination and approval. The start-up time of an enterprise is reduced to 5 working days, the approval and completion time of an enterprise investment project is reduced to 10 working days, and the filing and completion time of an enterprise investment project is reduced to 3 working days.
Secondly, 12 categories of industrial products within the province's jurisdiction should be implemented & ldquo; pre-proof and post-verification & rdquo; examination and approval mode, 4 categories of industrial products should be implemented & ldquo; commitment to license & rdqUo; approval mode.
Third, build a provincial online “ intermediary service supermarket ” strengthen intermediary service charges regulation.
Measures eight: support industrial enterprises to revitalize land resources and provide utilization rate.
Firstly, on the premise of conforming to the planning and not changing the use, the difference of land price will not be levied if the industrial and storage land is used to rebuild, expand and utilize the underground space of industrial and mining factories and warehouses so as to increase the volume ratio and building density.
Secondly, we should support and encourage the construction of high-standard factories and industrial buildings in various places. High-standard factories and industrial buildings can be registered and transferred according to the fixed boundaries of buildings and floors.
Third, increase the award and subsidy of local finance, vigorously promote &ldquo, &rdquo and project construction.
Step nine: support the high quality development of manufacturing industry.
First, by 2020, the provincial government will give priority support to the new generation of information technology, high-end equipment manufacturing, green low-carbon digital economy, new materials, marine economy trillion-level manufacturing industry to cultivate new pillar industries.
Secondly, by 2020, the provincial finance will give priority support to enterprises to carry out digital, networked, intelligent and green technological transformation. Industrial enterprises with main business income of more than 10 million yuan can enjoy the policy of reward and subsidy after technological transformation (inclusive).
Third, guide the consumption of new demand, carry out “ Guangdong high quality ” brand certification.
Fourth, we should carry out pilot projects of green transformation and upgrading of traditional industries to promote the application of new technologies and technologies.
Fifth, vigorously develop the industrial Internet, effectively reduce the production and operation costs of enterprises.
Step ten: increase support for major industrial projects
First, the project of more than 5 billion yuan shall be coordinated by the leading group of the construction of a strong province, and the Commissioner Service System of the departments directly under the province shall be implemented. The projects with an investment of more than 10 billion yuan are commissioned by department-level cadres, and the projects with a investment of 5 billion to 10 billion yuan are commissioned by department-level cadres, who are responsible for tracking the landing and construction of service projects.
Secondly, for major industrial projects that meet the reward requirements, the province will award land use indicators according to the corresponding standards, including land use indicators for major industrial projects that have invested more than 2 billion yuan, meet the investment intensity and other relevant conditions and complete the land supply procedures.
Thirdly, if the index of land use is inadequate when major industrial projects are introduced from various places, the reward index of advance expenditure can be applied to the province according to the regulations.
Source: silicone