Shanghai Chemical Industry Zone: Optimizing the Business Environment, the proportion of foreign enterprises is as high as 80%.
On February 20, Shanghai Chemical Industry Zone and Yingweida signed a memorandum of cooperation for the production base of adiponitrile (ADN) with an investment of more than 1 billion US dollars (7 billion RMB). It is reported that this is the first adiponitrile (ADN) production base in China and the largest investment in all projects in the history of Invida. The signing of the memorandum of cooperation benefited from the continuous optimization of business environment in Shanghai Chemical Industry Zone in recent years.
Hou Jinhua, deputy director of the Shanghai Chemical Industry Zone Management Committee, said that the Park Management Committee has always insisted on safety as the bottom line of transformation and upgrading of chemical industry zones, and green as an important direction of transformation and upgrading of chemical industry zones. For example, a new round of three-year comprehensive environmental renovation in chemical industry zones has been carried out, and the effects of volatile organic compounds control and industrial energy level assessment have been carried out; third-party safety inspection and expert on-site inspection have been strengthened, with a potential risk correction rate of 100%; the fingerprint database project of pollution sources in key enterprises has been launched and the key gas monitoring network sharing work of seven major hazard enterprises has been started.
In order to achieve green and sustainable development of chemical industry zones, the management committee strictly controls emissions. More than 85% of enterprises in Shanghai chemical industry zones meet the environmental protection standards of advanced European and American countries. The dioxin content (0.02 ng toxic equivalent/cubic meter) of exhaust gas discharged after hazardous waste treatment is far below the European Union standard; the average concentration of VOCs (volatile organic compounds) in the zones is about 100 micrograms/cubic meters, which is developed in Europe. The level of the National Chemical Park is close. At the same time, the level of circular economy is the best, the product correlation degree is more than 85%, the rate of wastewater piping up to 100%, the utilization rate of industrial water recycling up to 97%, and the safe disposal rate of hazardous wastes (including comprehensive utilization) up to 100%.
Hou Jinhua mentioned that the park management committee has compiled the Action Plan for Strengthening Fine Management of Shanghai Chemical Industrial Zone (2018-2020). It has arranged for the deployment of 50 key tasks in seven areas to complete the start-up of all tasks. Complete the grid management platform construction plan research, build and improve the park grid management business process, management system and evaluation index system. Complete the preparatory work for the project of intelligent pipeline and three-dimensional digital model in chemical industry zone, establish the database of underground integrated pipeline, and realize the visualization inquiry, statistics and input of underground integrated pipeline network and related data on map.
At the same time, the management committee also carried out a large-scale survey of the park to understand the difficulties, pains and blockages of enterprise development on the spot. A total of 89 surveys were organized throughout the year, 129 problems were collected and 112 problems were solved. Promote the reform of “ three batches of ” administrative examination and approval, implement the notification and filing system in an all-round way, simplify declaration and filing and approval, and take one step for enterprises to file their own records. Publish 33 “ do it immediately, online, near and once; examine and approve the catalogue of service items, and make every effort to promote “ one-way network network network network network network network network network network; one-way network network network network network network network network; channel, start the construction of intelligent government service hall, so that enterprises can enjoy 24-hour “ no closing & rdquo; service. To implement the reform of municipal construction project approval system, the time limit for approval has been reduced from an average of 267 working days before the reform to a maximum of 98 working days after the reform.
Relying on the existing development foundation and superior business environment, many economic indicators of Shanghai Chemical Industry Zone are in the leading level in China. In 2018, the intensity of unit land investment in Shanghai Chemical Industry Zone is 13.555 billion yuan per square kilometer, the output of unit land is 12.59 billion yuan per square kilometer, the profit of unit land is 2.66 billion yuan per square kilometer, and the unit land tax is 1.63 billion yuan per square kilometer. The per capita industrial output value of industrial enterprises in the park exceeds 10 million yuan, the per capita industrial profit is about 2 million yuan, and the per capita industrial tax is about 1 million yuan.
Moreover, Shanghai Chemical Industry Zone has focused on high-tech content, high added value, high radiation-driven industrial projects, and launched a higher level of investment attraction. According to Hou Jinhua, by the end of 2018, the chemical industry zone had attracted a total investment of $24.97 billion. At present, the world-class enterprises in Shanghai Chemical Industry Zone are gathering, and the world-renowned multinational companies such as Basf, Kosichuang, Huntsman, Suez and Mitsui Chemicals have invested in the construction of factories, and the proportion of foreign-funded enterprises is as high as 80%. & The signing of the memorandum of cooperation with Invida will also inject new impetus into the development of the chemical industry zone, further improve the existing industrial chain and value chain of the park, further enhance the industrial concentration and display of the chemical industry zone, and will become a valuable opportunity to introduce new projects. & rdquo; Hou Jinhua said.