Million tons! Major Breakthroughs in Industrialized Development of Continental Shale Oil in China

As of February 27, Guandong 1701H and Guandong 1702H horizontal wells of shale oil in Dagang Oilfield have flowed for more than 260 days. The daily production of crude oil has been stable at 20-30 cubic meters. The battlefield of increasing reserves of 100 million tons has been formed in Guandong area, which indicates that PetroChina has taken the lead in realizing the industrialized development of continental shale oil in Bohai Bay Basin.
The Dagang Oilfield, which has made an important breakthrough, is a regional oil and gas exploration and development company affiliated to PetroChina, covering 25 districts, cities and counties in Tianjin, Hebei and Shandong. Oilfield development and construction began in January 1964, and is the third oil and gas field independently developed in New China after Daqing and Shengli.
In 2013, Dagang Oilfield acquired shale oil flow in Guandong 6X1 well in Bohai Bay. After that, the pace of shale oil exploration has been accelerated, and 15 vertical shale oil wells have been deployed successively, and industrial oil flows have been obtained. In this process, Dagang Oilfield has successfully located the main battlefield of continental shale oil exploration and development through concept innovation, cracking the restricted area of conventional oil exploration concepts and successfully positioning the main battlefield of continental shale oil exploration and development; has carried out centimeter-level core fine description and analysis of tens of thousands of blocks for three wells, and innovatively formed continental shale oil-ldquo; dominant facies-detained hydrocarbon transcendence effect-rdquo; enrichment theory understanding for shale; Rock oil has no natural productivity and needs to be reformed to exploit. Three domestic and foreign patented technologies, such as fine sedimentary rock identification, dessert body evaluation and prediction, have been innovated and 16 supporting technologies have been formed, which support the exploration and development of shale oil. Through management innovation such as integration of exploration and development, integration of geological engineering and other management innovations, the cost-sharing of industrialized operation has been implemented to improve the efficiency of shale oil exploration and development. At the same time, it has led the whole industry chain of shale oil exploration and development to high-end.

After more than three years of innovative practice, Guandong 1701H and Guandong 1702H shale oil horizontal wells have been producing steadily for more than 260 days and accumulated thousands of square meters, thus realizing the industrialized development of continental shale oil, which not only makes up for the gap in academic research at home and abroad, but also promotes the further enrichment and improvement of the discipline system, and also realizes the key technologies and supporting technologies for exploration and development of continental shale oil. The rapid development of technology has laid an important foundation for China's continental shale oil revolution. This achievement was awarded by PetroChina & ldquo; the first prize for important discoveries in oil and gas exploration in 2018 & rdquo;.
According to IEA International Energy Agency, China is rich in shale oil resources, with about 5 billion tons of recoverable resources, second only to Russia and the United States, ranking third in the world, and is an important strategic alternative resource in the future. China is the second largest oil consumer in the world, with crude oil dependence exceeding 70%. Important breakthroughs have been made in the exploration and development of continental shale oil in Dagang Oilfield. The formation of a battlefield of 100 million tons of additional reserves in Guandong area has promoted the exploration and development of continental shale oil in China, laid a foundation for building a new oil growth pole in China, and has great significance for guaranteeing national energy security and economic development.

In recent years, PetroChina has conducted pilot tests in Bohai Bay Basin, Songliao Basin, Ordos Basin, Junggar Basin and other large sedimentary basins, increased investment in risk exploration, listed shale oil as one of the four major exploration areas, and listed Dagang Oilfield, Xinjiang Oilfield, Tuha Oilfield and Changqing Oilfield as important demonstration areas for shale oil development.
In the future, PetroChina will further intensify its efforts to build the exploration and development of Shale Oil in Dagang Oilfield into a national demonstration project by adopting the strategy of “ three-step ” and _________ The first step is to implement reserves and consolidate the foundation. By the end of 2019, new capacity of 110,000 tons and annual oil production of 50,000 tons will be built, which will lay a solid foundation for building demonstration zones. The second step is to establish standards and build demonstrations. By 2022, a demonstration area for exploration and development of continental shale oil in China will be built to drive the exploration and development of shale oil in the eastern part of China. The third step is to scale up production and lead development. By 2025, the total reserves will be increased by 300 million tons, the new production capacity will be 1 million tons, and the annual oil production will be 500,000 tons. A set of effective development methods will be innovated to provide experience for China's shale oil revolution and guide the development of China's petroleum continental shale oil.