Here comes the list! What energy and chemical achievements are harvested in the second "one belt and one way" Summit Forum?
The second &ldquo, the &rdquo along the way, and the list of achievements of the international cooperation summit were published.
China's national development and Reform Commission and the United Nations Industrial Development Organization, the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific and the energy foundation jointly launched the “ the &rdquo along the way; the green and efficient refrigeration initiative.
The Chinese government will sign the Sino-Kazakh Capacity and Investment Cooperation Plan with the Kazakh government.
The Ministry of agriculture and rural affairs of China and Bangladesh's Ministry of agriculture, Ministry of agriculture, forestry and Fisheries of Kampuchea, Burma Ministry of agriculture, Ministry of agriculture of Nepal, Pakistan Ministry of food and agriculture, Ministry of agriculture of Philippines, Thailand Ministry of agriculture, Sri Lanka Agricultural Ministry, Ministry of agriculture and rural development of Vietnam issued the "&ldquo" and "&rdquo" cooperation to promote the establishment of pesticide product quality standards. Statement.
The State Energy Administration of China has signed cooperation documents in the field of energy with the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment of Finland and the Ministry of Energy of Bulgaria.
China and Algeria, Azerbaijani, Afghanistan, Bolivia, Equatorial Guinea, Iraq, Kuwait, Laos, Malta, Myanmar, Nepal, Niger, Pakistan, Sudan, Tajikistan, Turkey, Venezuela, Gambia, Cape Verde, Congo (Bulgaria), Mongolia, Suriname, Tonga, Cambodia, Chad, Serbia, Kyrgyzstan 28 countries such as GI, Hungary and other countries have set up “ one belt and one road ” energy partnership.
The National Development and Reform Commission of China has signed lists of key projects of capacity and investment cooperation with relevant departments in Kazakhstan, Egypt, Mozambique, Cambodia, Laos and the Philippines, and a framework agreement on capacity cooperation with relevant departments in Uganda.
China Silk Road Fund invests in Dubai Photoelectric Power Station in the United Arab Emirates, Astana International Exchange in Kazakhstan, Samarkand International Conference and Exhibition Brigade in Uzbekistan, Oil and Gas Cooperation Project and Yamal LNG Project, and cooperates with the Asian Investment Bank in the loan project of Oman Broadband Corporation.
The Export-Import Bank of China and Credit Suisse Bank of Switzerland have cooperated to provide syndicated loans for MTN telecommunications projects in Nigeria, and with Korea Export-Import Bank, Italy Foreign Trade Insurance Company and France Trade Credit Insurance Company to provide syndicated loans for LNG projects in Mozambique.
To invest in the construction of Sino-Serbian Friendship Industrial Park in Serbia,
In the United Arab Emirates, China-Arab (UAE) capacity Cooperation Demonstration Park Industry and science and technology cooperation projects are carried out.
Construction of fine chemicals and raw materials projects in Panjin, Liaoning and Ami, Saudi Arabia, and investment in a coal-electricity integration project in Tar coalfield, Pakistan.
Investing in the construction of 13.62 million high-performance radial tires per year in Serbia.
In Indonesia, a battery-grade nickel chemicals (nickel sulfate crystals) (50,000 tons of nickel per year) production project from laterite nickel ores was carried out.
Invest in the construction of integrated petrochemical and chemical fibre projects in Saudi Arabia.

List of achievements of the second &ldquo, &rdquo and international cooperation summit
In from April 25 to 27, 2019, China hosted the second &ldquo in Beijing; the &rdquo along the way; the summit forum for international cooperation.
Since the first Summit Forum and during the current Summit Forum, governments, local governments and enterprises have reached a series of consensus on cooperation, important initiatives and practical results. As the host country, China has sorted out and summarized some of the representative achievements and formed a list of the results of the second Summit Forum.
The list includes China's initiatives or cooperation initiatives, bilateral and multilateral cooperation documents signed during or before the Summit Forum, multilateral cooperation platforms established under the framework of the Summit Forum, investment projects and project lists, financing projects, cooperation projects carried out by Chinese and foreign local governments and enterprises, totalling 283 projects in six categories.
I. Initiatives or Cooperation Initiatives Launched by China
(1) issue "co construction of “ one belt and one road ” Initiative: progress, contribution and prospect".
(two) issue the &ldquo, the belt and the road ” the international cooperation summit Advisory Committee policy recommendations report.
(3) China jointly sponsored the Beijing Initiative on the Incorruptible Silk Road with representatives of relevant countries, international organizations and academia in business circles.
(four) the Chinese government will implement &ldquo, &rdquo along the way and facilitate the entry and exit of personnel.
(five) China's development of Silk Road thematic bonds, to facilitate domestic and foreign bodies to use bond market financing to support “ along the way ” initiative.
(six) the China Development Bank and the import and Export Bank continue to set up “ the other side is ” special loans.
(7) The Ministry of Science and Technology of China and relevant national science and technology innovation authorities jointly promulgated "ldquo; Innovation Road & rdquo; Cooperative Initiative".
(eight) the Chinese government will continue to implement the green silk road messenger program. In the next three years, it will provide 1500 training places for &ldquo, &rdquo and national environmental officials. “ along the way ” eco environmental protection big data service platform website officially launched. The Ministry of ecology and environment of China has set up “ along the way ” environmental technology exchange and transfer center.
(nine) the China National Development and Reform Commission and the United Nations Development Programme, the United Nations Industrial Development Organization and the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific jointly launched the “ along the way ” green light action initiative, jointly launched the &ldquo with the United Nations Industrial Development Organization, the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific and the energy foundation; and &rdquo along the way. Colour Efficient Refrigeration Action Initiative.
(ten) China's Ministry of finance issues &ldquo, &rdquo and debt.The framework of continuity analysis, together with the co construction of &ldquo and the &rdquo of one belt and the other, together with the state to raise the level of debt management, promote sustainable financing and achieve sustainable and inclusive growth.
(eleven) the General Administration of Customs of China initiated the establishment of “ the &rdquo along the way; the customs information exchange and sharing platform, together with Chile, Pakistan, Singapore, Georgia and other countries to build electronic networking of origin, sharing project information data.
(twelve) the China National Standardization Management Committee has initiated the establishment of “ one belt and one road ” jointly set up the national standard information platform, and strengthened the exchange and sharing of standard information with the countries concerned.
(13) The Chinese government will continue to implement the “ Silk Road ” and the Chinese Government's scholarship programs to increase the number of scholarships for master's and doctoral degrees.
(fourteen) the Chinese Academy of Sciences announced the implementation of the “ the &rdquo along the way; the master's scholarship scheme.
(fifteen) China will carry out &ldquo, along the way &rdquo, and jointly build a national development experience exchange project. In the next 5 years, 10 thousand representatives from the political parties, political organizations, dignitaries and think tanks, academics and social organizations will be invited to come from China to jointly build &ldquo and &rdquo.
(sixteen) the Ministry of science and technology of China has announced the implementation of “ &rdquo along the way; innovative talents exchange project, supporting 5000 people in China in the next 5 years and other “ &rdquo in the same area; and building national talents to carry out innovative exchanges and cooperation.
(seventeen) China will work together with &ldquo to build a ” the state will jointly implement “ along the way ” library cooperation projects and “ along the way ” copyright trade cooperation plan.
(18) In cooperation with UNESCO, China initiated and established the “ Silk Road Youth Scholars'Grant Scheme ” project.
(nineteen) the China National Development and Reform Commission and the United Nations Children's fund co sponsored &ldquo, &rdquo along the way, &ldquo along the lines, child care, shared development, and the goal of sustainable development to achieve ” and cooperation initiatives.
(20) The Red Cross Society of China continues to promote the Sino-Pakistani Emergency Corridor Project in Pakistan.
(twenty-one) China will work with the countries concerned to implement “ &rdquo along the way; and South South cooperation plan to cope with climate change.
(twenty-two) ICBC issues the first &ldquo, the &rdquo along the way, the interbank normalization cooperation mechanism (BRBR) green bonds, and jointly issues &ldquo with the European Development Bank, the Eastern Bank of France, the Mizuho Bank of Japan and other BRBR mechanism related members, along the way ” the green finance index, promotes &ldquo in depth; &rdquo along the way; and green financial cooperation.
(twenty-three) the Hanban of China holds “ one belt and one road ” co construction of national youth student “ Chinese Bridge ” summer camp activities.
(twenty-four) China will launch the first &ldquo, the &rdquo along the way, the rule of law cooperation research project, and the world bank joint clean enterprise compliance training course, organize “ along the way ” national anti-corruption seminar.
(25) The Shanghai National Accounting Institute, affiliated to the Ministry of Finance of China, will jointly launch the China Central Asian Accounting Elite Exchange Project with the Central Asian Institute for Regional Economic Cooperation, the Asian Development Bank and the Chartered Certified Public Accountants Association of the United Kingdom.
(26) China will hold the 2nd China International Import Expo in 2019 and hold the Global E-Commerce Summit Forum during the Expo.
Multilateral and Bilateral Cooperation Documents Signed during or on the eve of the Summit Forum
(1) the Chinese government signed a memorandum of understanding with Equatorial Guinea, Liberia, Luxemburg, Jamaica, Peru, Italy, Barbados, Cyprus, Yemen and other governments to build &ldquo and &rdquo.
(two) the Chinese government and the governments of Serbia, Djibouti, Mongolia, Mozambique, Ethiopia, Papua and New Guinea, as well as the African Union, UN Habitat and the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa, signed a joint &ldquo, a &rdquo along the way, and a cooperative plan or action plan.
(3) The Chinese Government will sign the China-Kazakhstan Capacity and Investment Cooperation Plan with the Government of Kazakhstan.
(4) The Chinese Government has signed tax agreements and protocols with the Governments of Kenya, Sweden and Chile.
(5) The Chinese Government has signed cooperation documents in the field of transportation with the governments of Pakistan, Liberia, Nepal, Georgia, Belarus, Armenia, Saudi Arabia, Laos and Kazakhstan.
(6) The Chinese Government has signed cooperation agreements in the fields of science, technology and innovation with the governments of Laos, Bulgaria, Latvia, El Salvador and Panama, and an action plan for innovation cooperation with the Israeli Government.
(7) The Chinese Government has signed cooperation documents on cultural exchanges with the Governments of Niger, Pakistan, Namibia, Nigeria, Mauritius and Guinea, and cooperation documents on preventing theft, theft and illegal entry and exit of cultural property with the Governments of Nepal and Romania.
(eight) the Ministry of foreign affairs of China signed a memorandum of understanding with the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific on promoting the &ldquo, the &rdquo, the initiative and the 2030 sustainable development agenda.
(nine) the China National Development and Reform Commission and the Ministry of Hungary foreign affairs and the Ministry of foreign economy signed a memorandum of understanding to jointly establish the Sino Hungarian Cooperation Promotion Center under the framework of &ldquo, &rdquo and bilateral cooperation, and signed bilateral cooperation with Hungary's Ministry of innovation and technology on the development of “ digital silk road ” and cooperation.Plan.
(10) The State Development and Reform Commission of China and the Ministry of Planning and Investment of Laos signed a cooperation document on the economic corridor between China and Laos, a cooperation plan on the economic corridor between China and Myanmar and the Ministry of Finance, and a cooperation plan on the construction of the regional comprehensive economic corridor with the Ministry of Maritime Coordination of Indonesia.
(11) The National Development and Reform Commission of China and the Ministry of Digital and Economic Affairs of Austria, the Ministry of Finance of Switzerland and the Ministry of Economic Education and Scientific Research signed a memorandum of understanding on developing third-party market cooperation, and the Ministry of Trade and Industry of Singapore signed a memorandum of understanding on strengthening the implementation framework of third-party market cooperation.
(12) The China National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) and the European Commission (EC) issued a joint statement on the study of railway-based integrated transport corridors between China and Europe.
(13) The National Development and Reform Commission of China and the Ministry of Economic Development of Greece signed a three-year cooperation plan in important areas between China and Greece (2020-2022).
(fourteen) the China National Development and Reform Commission (&ldquo) has signed a memorandum of understanding with SIEMENS AG, Germany, to jointly build the &rdquo and strengthen cooperation.
(fifteen) the Ministry of agriculture and rural areas and Bangladesh Ministry of agriculture, Ministry of agriculture, forestry and Fisheries of Kampuchea, Burma Ministry of agriculture, Ministry of agriculture of Nepal, Pakistan Ministry of food and agriculture, Philippines Ministry of agriculture, Thailand Ministry of agriculture, Sri Lanka Agricultural Ministry, Ministry of agriculture and rural development of Vietnam issued the "&ldquo" and "&rdquo" to promote the establishment of quality standards for pesticide products. Make a declaration of intent.
(16) China, Belarus, Germany, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, Poland and Russia signed the Rules of Procedure of the Joint Working Group on Ban-train Transport between China and Europe.
(17) The Ministry of Transport of China and the International Labour Organization signed the Memorandum of Understanding on Cooperation for the Adoption of & ldquo; Maritime Silk Road & rdquo in the 21st Century; Initiative to Promote & lt; Maritime Labour Convention & gt in 2006; Effective Implementation. The China Post Office and the Iran post office, Hungarian International Development Department and Pakistan post office signed a memorandum of understanding in response to &ldquo, the &rdquo along the way, and the initiative to strengthen cooperation in the field of postal and express delivery.
(eighteen) the Ministry of human resources and social security of China signed the memorandum of understanding with the International Labour Organization (ILO), &ldquo, &rdquo, and South South cooperation under the framework.
(nineteen) the China emergency management department has signed a memorandum of understanding with the International Labour Organization on the South South cooperation in the field of production safety under the framework of &ldquo and &rdquo.
(20) The State Supervisory Commission of China has signed memorandums of understanding on cooperation with anti-corruption agencies in the Philippines and Thailand.
(21) The People's Bank of China and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development signed a memorandum of understanding on strengthening investment and financing cooperation in third-party markets.
(22) The Ministry of Commerce of China and the United Nations Development Programme signed tripartite cooperation project agreements on renewable energy in Ethiopia and Sri Lanka, a memorandum of understanding with the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Vietnam on the establishment of a working group on trade unimpeded, a memorandum of understanding with the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Czech Republic on the establishment of mutual trade promotion agencies, and a cooperation on trade relief with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Chile. Memorandum of Understanding of the Mechanism.
(23) The Ministry of Commerce of China and the Ministry of Investment and Foreign Economic Relations of Myanmar signed a memorandum of understanding on the preparation of the five-year development plan for Sino-Myanmar economic and trade cooperation, and the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Vietnam signed a memorandum of understanding on the cooperation plan for 2019-2023.
(24) The Ministry of Finance of China, the Financial Department of the State of Japan, the Audit Supervision Committee of the State of Japan and the Securities Supervision Committee of Malaysia signed cooperation documents on audit supervision to strengthen cross-border audit supervision cooperation.
(25) The China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission has signed a memorandum of understanding on regulatory cooperation with the financial regulatory authorities of the Central Bank of Armenia, the State Bank of Serbia, the State Bank of Georgia, the Astana Financial Services Bureau of Kazakhstan, the Bank of Mauritius and the Namin Financial Services Bureau of Malaysia.
(26) The Ministry of Science and Technology of China and the Ministry of Transport, Innovation and Technology of Austria, the Ministry of Science of the Ministry of Culture of Japan, the Ministry of Energy of Mexico, the International Cooperation Agency of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Israel, the Ministry of Education, Research and Religious Affairs of Greece and the Ministry of Commerce, Innovation and Employment of New Zealand signed cooperation documents in the field of scientific and technological innovation, and signed cooperation documents with the Uzbekistan Science and Technology Agency, the Ministry The Ministry of Science and Technology, the Ministry of Science and Technology of Israel, the Council of Science and Technology of Malta and the Ministry of Research Technology and Higher Education of Indonesia signed the cooperation documents for the establishment of joint research centres and laboratories.
(27) The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of China and the Ministry of Innovation and Technology of Hungary, the Ministry of Science and Technology, Innovation and Communications of Brazil, the Ministry of Transport and Communications of Chile and the Ministry of Information and Communications Technology and Innovation of Rwanda signed cooperation documents in the field of industry and information communications.
(28) The General Administration of Customs of China, the United Nations Industrial Development Organization and the General Administration of Customs and Consumption Tax of Cambodia signed the cooperation documents on customs inspection and quarantine, and signed the relevant documents on the mutual recognition and cooperation with the Russian Customs Administration, the Ministry of Finance of Kazakhstan, the State Customs Committee of Belarus and the General Administration of Customs of Mongolia.
(29) The State Energy Administration of China has signed cooperation documents in the field of energy with the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment of Finland and the Ministry of Energy of Bulgaria.
(thirty) the China National Space Administration and the United Nations Space Division signed a declaration on cooperation between &ldquo, &rdquo and space information corridors.
(31) The State Development Bank of China has signed agreements with the Ministry of Finance of Angola and the Ministry of Finance of Belarus on credit cooperation.
(thirty-two) the China Import and export bank has signed a memorandum of understanding with the International Telecommunication Union on strengthening &ldquo, &rdquo and the digital sector cooperation to promote the United Nations 2030 sustainable development agenda.
(thirty-three) the China Import and export bank and Mizuho bank, Standard Chartered Bank and other interrelated institutions signed &ldquo, the one side &rdquo, the next three party market cooperation agreement.
(34)The Ministry of Water Resources of China, the National Standardization Management Committee and the United Nations Industrial Development Organization signed a memorandum of understanding on cooperation in promoting international standards for small hydropower.
(35) Action Plan for the Signing of Technical Cooperation Agreement between China's National Standardization Management Committee and Saudi Arabian Standardization Institutions (2019-2021). The Sino-Russian Civil Aircraft Standards Coordination Working Group jointly signed the mutual recognition catalogue of Sino-Russian Civil Aircraft Standards. The China National Accreditation and Accreditation Regulatory Commission signed a memorandum of agreement with the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific and the Italian Agricultural Mechanization Commission.
(thirty-six) the China National Radio and television administration and the Arabia National Broadcasting Union signed a framework agreement on co construction of &ldquo and &rdquo.
(37) The Development Research Center of the State Council of China and 54 international members and partners of the Silk Road International Think Tank Network jointly adopted the "Three-year Work Plan for Promoting the Development of the Silk Road International Think Tank Network (2019-2021)".
(38) The International Exchange Promotion Association of Chinese NGOs will initiate the implementation of “ the Silk Road Family ” action, which will promote the establishment of 500 partnerships among social organizations of countries along the line in the next two years, and carry out 200 livelihood cooperation projects in developing countries along the line.
(39) The World Federation of Tourism Cities and the West African Tourism Organization signed a framework agreement for cooperation.
(40) Updating the system of Marine Silk Road index, issuing 16+1 Trade Index (CCTI) and Ningbo Port Index (NPI).
(41) China and Russia carry out international railway intermodal transport & ldquo; single system & rdquo; pilot financial settlement and financing rules.
(42) China, together with the United Nations Office for South-South Cooperation and the Financial Centre for South-South Cooperation, has established “ the Air Silk Road South-South Cooperation Partnership Alliance ” and signed cooperation agreements.
III. Multilateral Cooperation Platform under the Framework of the Summit Forum
(1) China and 33 government transport and customs agencies from 13 countries, including Egypt, Sri Lanka, the United Arab Emirates, Latvia, Slovenia, Belgium, Spain, Fiji, Italy, the Netherlands, Denmark, Romania, Singapore, and representatives of major port enterprises, port administrations and terminal operators, jointly established & ldquo; Maritime Silk Road & rdquo; The Ningbo Initiative for Cooperation between Hess Ports was published.
(two) China and the major financial institutions such as the United Kingdom, France, Singapore, Pakistan, the United Arab Emirates, Hongkong, China and other countries and regions jointly signed the "&ldquo, one belt and one road &rdquo" principle of green investment.
(3) The Ministry of Finance of China has jointly established a multilateral development financing cooperation center with the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, the Asian Development Bank, the Latin American Development Bank, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, the European Investment Bank, the Pan American Development Bank, the International Fund for Agricultural Development and the World Bank Group.
(four) the China National Development and Reform Commission and the United Nations development programme jointly launched the &ldquo, the &rdquo along the way, and the innovative development platform construction project, which authorized the development bank to carry out the project under the project's &ldquo, &rdquo and innovation development center.
(five) China and Russia, Pakistan, Mongolia, Laos, Nepal, New Zealand, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Vietnam and other countries accounting standards development institutions jointly establish “ along the way ” accounting standards cooperation mechanism and launched "“ along the way ” national initiative on strengthening accounting standards cooperation".
(six) China's State Administration of Taxation has convened the first &ldquo with the tax authorities of the relevant countries (regions) of the Ministry of finance of the Kazakhstan, such as the Ministry of finance, the national revenue Committee of the Ministry of finance, the &rdquo Cooperation Forum on tax collection and administration, signed the memorandum of understanding on the cooperation between &ldquo, the &rdquo and the tax collection and management system, and established “ &rdquo along the way; and the cooperation mechanism of tax collection and management.
(7) The Ministry of Ecological Environment of China and 25 countries, including Angola, Armenia, Cambodia, Cuba, Estonia, Ethiopia, Finland, Gambia, Guatemala, Iran, Israel, Italy, Kenya, Laos, Maldives, Mauritius, Mongolia, Myanmar, Niger, Pakistan, Russia, Singapore, Slovakia, Togo and the United Arab Emirates. The home environment department, as well as the United Nations Environment Agency, the United Nations Industrial Development Organization, the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe and other international organizations, research institutions and enterprises jointly launched the “ along the way ” green development international alliance.
(eight) China's State Intellectual Property Office and the Russian Federation Intellectual Property Office, the Pakistan intellectual property organization, the Ministry of science and technology of Laos, the Intellectual Property Office of Singapore, the Poland patent office, the Hungarian Intellectual Property Office, the Malaysia Intellectual Property Office, the Intellectual Property Office of the Ministry of commerce of Thailand and other 49 co constructed “ the other side is &rdquo. Step forward “ &rdquo along the way; Joint Declaration on pragmatic cooperation in state intellectual property rights.
(9) China and Algeria, Azerbaijani, Afghanistan, Bolivia, Equatorial Guinea, Iraq, Kuwait, Laos, Malta, Myanmar, Nepal, Niger, Pakistan, Sudan, Tajikistan, Turkey, Venezuela, Gambia, Cape Verde, Congo (Bulgaria), Mongolia, Suriname, Tonga, Cambodia, Chad, Serbia, etc. Kyrgyzstan, Hungary and other 28 countries have set up “ along the way ” energy partnership.
(ten) the China National Development and Reform Commission (city and small town center) and the UN Habitat, WHO, world cities and local governments have organized &ldquo in the Asia Pacific region, the European Union of cities and the energy foundation and so on; the &rdquo along the way; the sustainable urban alliance.
(11) China Council for the Promotion of International Trade and China International Chamber of CommerceWith the European Union, Italy, Singapore, Russia, Belgium, Mexico, Malaysia, Poland, Bulgaria, Myanmar and other more than 30 countries and regions of business associations, legal services and other organizations to initiate the establishment of international business dispute prevention and settlement organizations.
(twelve) China Earthquake Administration and Armenia, Mongolia, Russia, Pakistan, Kazakhstan, Asian Seismological Commission, African seismological Committee and other 13 countries and international organizations jointly set up “ along the way ” earthquake disaster reduction cooperation mechanism.
(13) The General Administration of Customs of China has initiated the implementation of “ the Partnership Program between Customs and Railway Operators to Promote the Safety and Rapid Customs Clearance between China and Europe (hereinafter referred to as ‘ Guantietong & rsquo;) & rdquo;.
(14) The National Development Bank of China has established a China-Latin America development financial cooperation mechanism.
(fifteen) the UNESCO National Committee, in collaboration with the United Nations Educational, scientific and cultural organization, organized &ldquo, the &rdquo, the youth creative and heritage forum, and launched the Changsha initiative.
(16) The Chinese Academy of Sciences has been co-founded with 37 UNESCO, the Royal Belgian Academy of Overseas Sciences, the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, the University of Chile, the Kazakh Academy of Sciences, the Kyrgyz Academy of Sciences, the University of Auckland, the Pakistani Academy of Sciences, the Russian Academy of Sciences, the University of Perademia in Sri Lanka, the Thai Science and Dquo; along the way ” the national scientific research institutions and international organizations co sponsored the establishment of “ along the way ” International Federation of scientific organizations.
(17) The National Museum of China, together with 157 museums or institutes in 33 countries and regions such as Russia, Britain, Italy, Azerbaijani and Ethiopia, has established the International Museum Union of the Silk Road and signed the Framework Agreement on Exhibition Cooperation of the International Museum Union of the Silk Road.
(18) The National Library of China, together with the libraries of 26 countries and regions such as Mongolia, Singapore, Brunei and Tajikistan, has established the International Library Union of the Silk Road and adopted the Chengdu Initiative of the International Library Union of the Silk Road.
(19) The Shanghai International Art Festival of China, together with 159 art festivals and institutions in 40 countries and regions such as Croatia, Bulgaria, Morocco and Saudi Arabia, has established the Silk Road International Art Festival Alliance and issued the "Cooperation Plan of the Silk Road International Art Festival Alliance 2018".
(20) China Foreign Culture Group Limited, together with 106 theatres and cultural institutions in 37 countries and regions such as Russia, the European Union, Japan and the Philippines, established the Silk Road International Theatre Union and adopted the Silk Road International Theatre Union Joint Development Initiative.
(twenty-two) China's think-tank and Kazakh Steiner Zal bayev University, Indonesia Center for strategic and international studies, Bulgaria &ldquo, &rdquo, National Federation, economic transformation center of Africa, East Asian Institute of National University of Singapore, Korea & ldquo, &rdquo, Research Institute, Russian Wahl generation club, and Harvard University center, etc. The think tank co sponsored the establishment of “ &rdquo along the way; the international think tank cooperation committee.
(twenty-three) China and the relevant countries (regions) publishers, academic institutions and professional bodies jointly establish “ along the way ” jointly build the national publishing cooperative, and jointly establish &ldquo with the countries concerned; along the way ” documentary academic community. The people's daily and the relevant state media jointly build “ &rdquo along the way; the news cooperation alliance, select the international communication “ silk road ” award.
(twenty-four) Xinhua news agency and Poland news agency, Italy crass group, Russia international Interfax news agency, Azerbaijan news agency and other 32 institutions jointly set up “ along the way ” economic information network.
(twenty-five) China and the United Nations development programme jointly carry out the &ldquo, the &rdquo along the way, the sustainable investment promotion center project, and conduct pilot projects in Ethiopia and other countries.
(26) The Chinese Academy of Sciences initiated the implementation of ldquo; the Silk Road Environment Project - rdquo; and worked with scientists from all countries along the route to study the path and plan for the construction of the Green Silk Road.
(twenty-seven) the joint fund for the construction of the China fund organization co founded by the PBC and the International Monetary Fund and the European bank for reconstruction and development (EU) have reached a consensus on strengthening the co construction of “ &rdquo along the way; and the national monetary authority capacity building. The two sides held the first joint training course at the Union College in Vienna in mid April. ICBC in &ldquo, along the way ” interbank normalization cooperation mechanism to build “ along the way ” national member institutions to carry out economic policy training. The Bank of China carries out &ldquo, &rdquo and international financial exchange and cooperation training courses.
IV. Investments and Lists of Projects
(1) The National Development and Reform Commission of China has signed lists of key projects of capacity and investment cooperation with relevant departments of Kazakhstan, Egypt, Mozambique, Cambodia, Laos and the Philippines, and a framework agreement on capacity cooperation with relevant departments of Uganda.
(2) The State Development and Reform Commission of China and the French General Administration of Finance signed a model list of third-party market cooperation between China and France (the third round).
(3) China National Development and Reform Commission and the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic signed the Sino-Spanish Cooperation Priority Promotion Project ClearanceSingle (second round).
(4) The National Development and Reform Commission of China and the Ministry of Finance of Myanmar plan to sign a list of early harvest projects in the Sino-Myanmar Economic Corridor.
(5) The State Development and Reform Commission of China signed a memorandum of cooperation with the Ministry of Transport of Thailand and the Ministry of Public Works and Transport of Laos on intergovernmental cooperation in the construction of the Lingkai-Vientiane Railway Link.
(6) China Communications Construction Group Co., Ltd. and Malaysia Investment Promotion Bureau signed a memorandum of understanding on strengthening the development cooperation of East Coast Railway Industrial Park, infrastructure, logistics center and along the line.
(7) China Railway Co., Ltd. submits a feasibility study report on the Mujie-Mandalay Railway Project to the Ministry of Communications and Communications of Myanmar (technical part).
(8) The China Silk Road Fund has established joint investment platforms with Saudi International Power and Water Corporation, China Yangtze Three Gorges Group Co., Ltd. and International Finance Corporation, General Electric Company of the United States and Shengyu Holding Group of Singapore.
(9) China Silk Road Fund and European Investment Fund, Trial, a French investment institution, set up a joint investment fund to participate in the three phases of KKR Global Impact Fund, Huaping Financial Fund and African Infrastructure Investment Fund.
(10) The China Silk Road Fund invests in Dubai Thermal Power Station in the United Arab Emirates, Astana International Exchange in Kazakhstan, Samarkand International Conference and Exhibition Brigade Project in Uzbekistan, Oil and Gas Cooperation Project and Yamal LNG Project, and cooperates with the Asian Investment Bank in the loan project of Oman Broadband Corporation.
(11) China Investment Co., Ltd. jointly initiates new bilateral funds with relevant countries and enterprises, including Sino-US Manufacturing Cooperation Fund, Sino-Japanese Industrial Cooperation Fund, Sino-Italian Industrial Cooperation Fund and Sino-French Industrial Cooperation Fund.
(twelve) China Everbright Group has jointly launched &ldquo with the relevant financial institutions of the state; the &rdquo along the way and the green investment fund.
China Investment Co., Ltd. invests in European logistics assets, Central and Eastern European Partnership Fund Phase 5, Singapore Changi Airport Investment Platform, Tongjiang Bridge, Vietnam Nanding Power Plant, Asia-Pacific Renewable Energy Project and other projects.
(14) China International Finance Co., Ltd. signed a memorandum of strategic cooperation with the Moscow Stock Exchange to assist Kazakhstan National Atomic Energy Industrial Corporation in completing the issuance and listing of global depository receipts on the Luxembourg Stock Exchange.
(fifteen) China Reinsurance group and Portugal fidelity insurance group sign services “ along the way ” memorandum of understanding on building business cooperation.
(16) The State Development Bank of China signed the Memorandum of Understanding on Development and Construction Consulting Cooperation with the Kuwait Silk City and the Bubyyan Island Development Agency.
(17) China Export Credit Insurance Company has signed a strategic cooperation framework agreement with Mediterranean Shipping Company and BNP Paribas.
V. Financing Projects
(1) The State Development Bank of China has signed loan agreements with relevant institutions in Cambodia, Kazakhstan and Turkey for projects in the fields of roads, minerals and electricity, and financial cooperation agreements with the Bank of Belarus, the Chilean Zhiding Bank and the People's Bank of Sri Lanka.
(3) The Export-Import Bank of China has signed loan agreements for road projects with the Ministry of Finance of Serbia, the Ministry of Economy and Finance of Cambodia and the National Highway Company of Kazakhstan, loan agreements for bridge and pipeline projects with the Ministry of Finance of Bangladesh, loan agreements for electric power projects with the Ministry of Finance of Argentina and the Ministry of Economy and Finance of Guinea, and iron and steel with the Ministry of Development Planning of Bolivia. Factory project loan agreement, railway project loan agreement with Egyptian Ministry of Communications and Nigerian Ministry of Finance, liquidity project loan agreement with Qatar AL Khalij Commercial Bank and Panama Global Bank.
(4) The Export-Import Bank of China cooperates with Credit Suisse Bank to provide syndicated loans for MTN telecommunications projects in Nigeria, and with Korea Export-Import Bank, Italy Foreign Trade Insurance Company and France Trade Credit Insurance Company to provide syndicated loans for liquefied natural gas projects in Mozambique.
6. Cooperation Projects between Local Governments and Enterprises at Home and Abroad
The Sino-Serbian Friendship Industrial Park Project is invested in Serbia, the Sino-Arab (United Emirates) Capacity Cooperation Demonstration Park Industry and Science and Technology Cooperation Project is carried out in the United Arab Emirates, the Industrial Upgrading and Social Development Cooperation Project in the West Port Special Administrative Region is carried out in Cambodia, the Sino-Thai Silk Road Tajikistan Agricultural Textile Industrial Park Project is invested in Tajikistan, and the Camonian Long-term Labor Project is constructed in Senegal. The two phase of the industrial park, Burma Mandalay municipal transportation infrastructure upgrading project, invest in the United Arab Emirates to build “ along the way ” Dubai station logistics business complex project, acquisition of Tata Steel Corp in Singapore, Thailand and other Southeast Asian countries factory projects, in Liaoning Panjin and Saudi Amy to build fine chemical and raw materials engineering projects, Pakistan investment tower The coal-electricity integration project in the first block of Er Coalfield has invested in the construction of 13.62 million high-performance radial tires in Serbia, 1.5 million tons of cement clinker production line in Nepal, 50,000 tons of nickel sulfate crystal in laterite nickel mine in Indonesia and petrochemical fibre integration project in Saudi Arabia. In Kenya, the integrated project of health care and diagnosis was carried out, and the project of Uzbekistan Pharmaceutical City was invested in Uzbekistan.
Source: Ministry of Foreign Affairs website