Vice Minister of Industry and Information Technology talked about the explosion of sound water: several rats'excrement should not spoil a pot of soup
Wang Jiangping, Vice Minister of Industry and Information Technology, was deeply saddened by the explosion accident in Xiangshui, Jiangsu Province, at the recent China Responsibility Care Promotion Conference in 2019. He said that recent chemical industry safety accidents occurred frequently, & ldquo; discussing color change & rdquo; & ldquo; neighbourhood avoidance effect & rdquo; seriously hindering the healthy development of the industry, the chemical industry urgently needs to make up for the safety lesson.
According to the standards of intrinsic safety and environmental friendliness, Wang Jiangping has classified more than 28000 chemical enterprises in China: 20% of them are good, 60% are medium and 20% are backward. He said that 20% of the backward production capacity must be transformed or closed as soon as possible, and the phenomenon of “ bad currency driving out good currency ” must not occur in the industry.
In addition to this work, there are three imminent items - ldquo; homework - rdquo; which must be filled immediately.
Find out the hidden trouble as soon as possible.
Check thoroughly whether the production technology is backward, whether the personnel quality can keep up with it, and whether the enterprise still has the phenomenon of brutality and lucky mentality. & ldquo; This work will be done immediately. A large number of enterprises have safety blind areas. Sometimes a valve and a pouring tank can lead to a major accident! ___________ ”
Get risk awareness out as soon as possible.
Enterprises are the main body of safe production. Risk awareness must be tightened at all times, and the main responsibility must be put in place. Wang Jiangping said that enterprises and entrepreneurs who are unaware of risks are dangerous.
Set up the security system as soon as possible.
没有体系就没有管理,王江平举例说:“我到过的企业,有七成根本不知道变更管理! Changes in industrial parameters and raw materials are potentially huge risks. Incomplete systems may lead to safety accidents at any time! ___________ ”
& There are also relevant research departments and colleges and universities that do not pay enough attention to safety management research, and universities have not set up the course of safety production. Knowing technology alone can't solve security problems, so it's also a long-term lesson to be filled. & rdquo; Wang Jiangping said.
Li Shousheng, president of the China Petroleum and Chemical Industry Federation, believes that the chemical industry needs a safety supervision course. Supervision must be pragmatic, the key is to check the quality and effectiveness of supervision. It is necessary to improve the professional level of safety supervision and management, not to impose a penalty on it. Education, rectification and upgrading will be promoted simultaneously, so that the hidden dangers of safety accidents will be greatly reduced. In addition, supervision can be entrusted to professional associations or institutions, but inefficient or even ineffective supervision must be reduced.
& Safety production can be managed and controlled, safety accidents can be prevented and eliminated, and this scientific concept must be deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. & rdquo; said Li Shousheng.
Baldwin, head of the Leading Group on Responsibility Care of the International Federation of Trade Unions, warned that a series of chemical safety incidents had affected China's chemical industry's contribution to the world economy. He suggested that China's chemical industry should modernize safety supervision by establishing a system of & ldquo; responsibility Care & rdquo; and so on.
Baldwin hopes that more Chinese chemical enterprises will join the system of the Global Charter of Responsibility and Care. Because the six major principles of action of the Global Charter-ldquo; Community Cognition and Emergency Response; Pollution Prevention and Control; Process Safety; Storage and Transportation Safety; Employee Health Safety; Product Safety Regulatory Criteria-rdquo; aims directly at the safety management practice of chemical enterprises.
Although there is no external compulsory restraint of relevant departments, the system of responsibility and care has “ informal compulsory mechanism ”, which will force enterprises to strengthen their own norms and management requirements, and continuously improve the level of safety and environmental management. From Baldwin's point of view, the lesson of "ldquo; Responsibility Care & rdquo" in China's chemical enterprises is also indispensable.
Source: Economic Daily - China Economic Network