Gansu: Chemical industry has become the first pillar of the province
Gansu is the first industrial oilfield in China, the first modern large-scale refinery, the birthplace of the first ethylene cracking unit and the cradle of China's petrochemical industry. Driven by the leading industry, Gansu has become an important petrochemical and energy base in China - mdash; & mdash;
Gansu, as the first industrial oilfield in New China, the first modern large-scale refinery, the birthplace of the first ethylene cracking unit and the cradle of China's petrochemical industry, has become an important petrochemical and energy base in China driven by the leading industry. Chemical industry has also become the first pillar industry in Gansu Province.
Lanzhou Refinery is the first large-scale modern petroleum refining enterprise in China, which produces the product oil urgently needed by the country. After Lanzhou Chemical Industry Company was built and put into operation, it ended the history that China could not produce synthetic rubber and fertilizer in Northwest China. It also allowed China to produce qualified ethylene from petroleum hydrocarbons for the first time. At that time, there was a popular saying: Where there was petrochemical industry, there were Lanhua people.
Since the founding of New China 70 years ago, Gansu Province has formed 37 sub-industries, such as petroleum exploration and development, chemical fertilizer and pesticide development, new chemical materials and so on. It has a complete petroleum and chemical industry system, and has accumulated rich experience in scientific research and development, production construction and management.
In recent years, Gansu Province regards strong industrial provinces as the main grasp of economic development, and clearly proposes that petroleum and chemical industries be the first pillar industries of economic development. Through the joint efforts of various departments and enterprises, Gansu Province's & ldquo; the first pillar - rdquo; industry has developed steadily, and industrial growth and benefits have been greatly improved.
& During the 11th Five-Year Plan period, Gansu's energy and chemical industry has been developing at a faster pace, while its economic benefits have been constantly improving. Through the continuous deepening of reform, state-owned enterprises have shaken off their burdens and radiated new vitality and vitality. The strategy of merger, reorganization and introduction into Gansu has been effective, and the profits of provincial industrial enterprises have doubled since five years ago. A number of large enterprises and groups with strong market competitiveness have been nurtured, and the pillar industries such as petrochemical industry and energy industry have been further developed and strengthened. The annual processing capacity of crude oil in the province reaches 14.5 million tons, especially the construction of Lanzhou Petrochemical Ethylene Project, which marks the full implementation of the project.
By 2018, the number of regulatory petrochemical enterprises in Gansu Province had reached 215, accounting for 11.2% of the total industrial enterprises in Gansu Province; the total industrial output value had reached 142.05 billion yuan, up 16.2% from the previous year; the industrial added value had reached 60.257 billion yuan, up 21.7% from the previous year, accounting for 34.93% of the total industrial added value of regulatory industrial enterprises in Gansu Province.
In 2018, Gansu Province produced 8.598 million tons of crude oil, an increase of 4%, 230 million cubic meters of natural gas, an increase of 86.99%, crude oil processing capacity of 14.4004 million tons, a decrease of 0.1%, sulfuric acid (100%) of 486.65 million tons, an increase of 42.28%, ethylene 643.9 million tons, an increase of 0.61%, synthetic ammonia, chemical pesticides (100%) and synthetic rubber production increased. The main business income of the petroleum and chemical industries in the province reached 142.288 billion yuan, an increase of 16.98% over the same period of last year, and the total profit reached 7.444 billion yuan, an increase of 114.64% over the same period of last year.
From the perspective of the economic operation of the petrochemical industry in the whole province, the main business income has maintained rapid growth. In 2018, the main business income of Gansu petrochemical industry increased by 17.2% year-on-year; among them, the chemical industry increased by 7.6%, the refining industry increased by 14.5% and the oil and gas extraction industry increased by 36.8% year-on-year. The profit margin of the main business income is 5.23%, which is 2.38 percentage points higher than that of the previous year. The profit level of the industry is better. Professional efficiency has also continued to improve. Last year, the total profit of the whole industry increased by 82% over the same period of last year, of which the oil and gas extraction industry increased by 92.5% over the same period of last year.
In addition, at present, 16 natural gas, crude oil and refined oil pipelines have passed through Gansu Province, which has become one of the longest and densest provinces in China, thus driving the rapid development of local petrochemical industry.
& During this period, Gansu will base itself on the development foundation of its petroleum and chemical industries, grasp the new development situation at home and abroad, seize the window period of structural adjustment, intensify the structural reform of supply side, and implement the “ Made in China 2025 & rdquo; Gansu Action Program and “ Internet +” Action Plan, focusing on upgrading traditional industries and cultivating and strengthening emerging industries. Guiding the gathering of all kinds of resources in society, promoting the transformation of industries from low-end to high-end, speeding up the construction of a new pattern of industrial development driven by innovation, so as to make the industrial structure of petrochemical industry in Gansu Province more rational, the development mode significantly changed, and the benefits of the industry steadily increased. By 2020, the whole province will strive to achieve industrial added value of more than 100 billion yuan.
Regarding the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries, the whole province emphasizes the importance of optimizing the layout of major projects, improving the innovative ability of enterprises, improving the level of safety and environmental protection, and deepening international exchanges and cooperation. In terms of fostering and expanding new industries, it is emphasized that the new chemical materials industry will be emphasized, and the development of high-end new materials products will be accelerated. In the aspect of strengthening the development of new energy industry, Gansu proposes to focus on the development of new coal-based chemical energy and steadily develop new bio-based chemical energy. Speed up the improvement of clean industrial production technology of new coal-based chemical energy, and promote the leapfrog development of new coal-based chemical energy.