These 22 chemical industries encourage foreign investment! Effective 30 July
Recently, the National Development and Reform Commission and the Ministry of Commerce issued the Catalogue of Industries Encouraging Foreign Investment (2019 edition), which came into effect on July 30, 2019.
From the content point of view, it includes two sub-catalogues: one is the national catalogue of industries that encourage foreign investment (the national catalogue), which is applicable to the whole country and is the policy of promoting foreign investment industries. Second, the catalogue of foreign-invested superior industries in the central and western regions (the catalogue of the central and Western regions), which is mainly applicable to the central and western regions and the Northeast regions, is a regional promotion policy for foreign investment.
In the 2019 edition, the catalogue encourages manufacturing industry to continue to be the key direction of encouraging foreign investment. More than 80% of new or revised entries in the national catalogue belong to the category of manufacturing industry, and supports more foreign investment in high-end manufacturing, intelligent manufacturing, green manufacturing and other fields.
Foreign investment is encouraged in 22 types of chemical industry, including raw materials for synthetic materials, synthetic fibers, synthetic rubber, engineering plastics and plastic alloys, electronics, high performance coatings, high performance fluorine resins, fluorine film materials, hydrogen fuel production, storage, transportation, liquefaction and organic polymer materials production.
In the new material industry, new aerospace materials, monocrystalline silicon and large silicon wafers are added or modified.
(1) Petroleum processing, coking and nuclear fuel processing industries
Phenol oil processing, oil washing processing, high-end utilization of coal tar pitch (excluding modified asphalt)
(2) Manufacturing of chemical raw materials and chemicals
1. Development and production of new downstream products of polyvinyl chloride and organosilicon
2. Matching raw materials for synthetic materials: propylene oxide by hydrogen peroxide, chloropropylene oxide by hydrogen peroxide, epichlorohydrin by chloropropylene peroxide, dimethyl naphthalate (NDC), 1,4-cyclohexane dimethyl alcohol (CHDM), butadiene adiponitrile, hexamethylene diamine and high performance polyurethane composite materials.
3. High Carbon-alpha; Development and Production of High-end Polyolefins such as Olefin Copolymerization Metallocene Polyethylene
4. Raw materials for synthetic fibers: production of nylon 66 salt and 1,3-propanediol
5. Continuous copolymerization modification of differential and functional polyester (PET) [cationic dyeable polyester (CDP, ECDP), alkali-soluble polyester (COPET), high shrinkage polyester (HSPET), flame retardant polyester, low melting point polyester, etc.) and on-line addition of melt direct spinning to produce differential and functional fibers (anti-static, anti-ultraviolet and non-ferrous fibers) Intelligent, super-simulation and other differentiation, functional polyester (PET) and fiber production, acrylic, nylon, spandex, viscose and other chemical fiber varieties of differentiation, functional modified fiber production
6. Rubber: polyurethane rubber, acrylate rubber, chlorohydrin rubber, fluorine rubber, silicone rubber and other special rubber production
7. Engineering plastics and plastic alloys: 60,000 tons/year or more non-phosgene polycarbonate (PC), polyformaldehyde, polyphenylene sulfide, polyether ether ketone, polyimide, polysulfone, polyether sulfone, polyaryl ester (PAR), polyphenylene ether, polybutylene terephthalate (PBT), polyamide (PA) and its modified materials, liquid crystal polymers and other products.
8. Fine Chemicals: New Catalyst Products, New Technologies, Commercialized Processing Technology of Dyes (Pigments), Electronic Chemicals and Papermaking Chemicals, Leather Chemicals (except N-N Dimethylformamide), Oilfield Auxiliaries, Surfactants, Water Treatment Agents, Adhesives, Sealants, Production of Inorganic Fibers, Inorganic Nanomaterials, Pigment Coating Deep processing
9. Production of Low Volatile Inks and Environmental-friendly Organic Solvents, such as Water-based Inks, Electron Beam Curing Ultraviolet Curing, etc.
10. Production of Natural Flavors, Synthetic Flavors and Separate Flavors
11. Production of high performance coatings, high solid, solvent-free coatings and matching resins, waterborne industrial coatings and matching waterborne resins
12. High-performance fluorine resin, fluorine film materials, medical fluorine-containing intermediates, environmentally friendly fluorine-containing refrigerants, cleaners, foaming agents production
13. Production, storage, transportation and liquefaction of hydrogen fuels
14. Production and supply of large, high pressure and high purity industrial gases (including electronic gases)
15. Production of Recovering Fluorine Resources from Phosphorus Chemical Industry and Aluminum Smelting
16. Development and Production of New Technologies and New Products of Forestry Chemicals
17. Development and production of inorganic, organic and biofilm for environmental protection
18. Development and production of new fertilizers: high concentration potassium fertilizer, compound microbial inoculant, compound microbial fertilizer, straw and garbage maturing agent, special functional microbial preparation
19. Development and production of new pesticide varieties, formulations, special intermediates and auxiliaries with high efficiency, safety and environmental friendliness, development and application of related clean production processes, directional synthesis of chiral and stereo-structured pesticides and synthesis of ethyl chloride
20. Development and production of biopesticides and biocontrol products: microbial pesticides, microbial fungicides, agricultural antibiotics, biostimulants, insect pheromones, natural enemies, insects and microbial herbicides
21. Comprehensive Utilization, Treatment and Disposal of Waste Gas, Waste Liquid and Waste Residue
22. Production of organic macromolecule materials: aircraft skin coatings, rare earth cerium sulfide red dyes, lead-free electronic packaging materials, special series of photoresist pastes for color plasma display screen, small diameter and large specific surface area ultrafine fibers, high precision fuel filter paper, lithium ion battery separator, surface treatment self-repairing materials, super hydrophobic Nano-coated materials
(3) Chemical Fiber Manufacturing Industry
1. Production of differentiated chemical fibers and high-tech chemical fibers (excluding viscose fibers) such as aramid, carbon fibers, high strength and high modulus polyethylene, polyphenylene sulfide (PPS)
2. Production of new polyesters for fibers and non-fibers: polypropylene terephthalate (PTT), polyethylene glycol sunflower ester (PEN), polycyclohexane dimethyl terephthalate (PCT), polyethylene terephthalate (PETG) modified by diol.
3. Utilizing new renewable resources and green environmental protection processes to produce biomass fibers, includingNew solvent-based cellulose fibers (Lyocell), regenerated cellulose fibers from bamboo and hemp, polylactic acid fibers (PLA), chitin fibers, polyhydroxy fatty acid ester fibers (PHA), animal and plant protein fibers, etc.
4. Development and production of new polyamides such as nylon 11, nylon 12, nylon 1414, nylon 46, long carbon chain nylon and high temperature resistant nylon
5. Production of aramid fibers and cord for radial tire
(4) Rubber and plastic products industry
1. Development, production and application of biodegradable plastics and their products
2. Development and production of new photo-ecological multi-functional broad-band agricultural film and pollution-free and degradable agricultural film
3. Recycling and reuse of waste plastics
4. Development and production of new technology and new products of plastic flexible packaging (high barrier, multi-functional film and raw materials)
Catalogue of Advantage Industries for Foreign Investment in Midwest China (Chemical Industry)
Shanxi Province
1. Production of liquid fuel from coal
2. Comprehensive Utilization of Coke Byproducts
Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region
1. Development and utilization of downstream chemical products of natural gas (excluding restricted and prohibited categories listed in the Natural Gas Utilization Policy)
2. Development and utilization of comprehensive utilization technologies such as production of 300,000 tons/year PVC by oxychlorination of ethylene and chlorine, production of chlorine from waste hydrochloric acid, etc.
3. Development and production of high-performance silicone oil, silicone rubber, resin, high-quality fluorine resin, high-performance fluorine rubber, fine fluorine-containing chemicals and high-quality fluorine-containing inorganic salts
4. Production and Application of Silicon Material
5. Production and Application of Carbon Fiber Products
Liaoning Province
1. Production of high performance radial tires: tubeless truck radial tires, low section and flattening (less than 55 series), large rim high performance passenger car radial tires (more than 15 inches), aviation tires and agricultural radial tires.
Jilin Province
1. Development and production of intermediates of glyphosate and Glyphosate
2. Production of carbon fibre precursor, auxiliary materials for carbon fibre production, carbon fibre composites and their products
3. Production of high performance radial tires: tubeless truck radial tires, low section and flattening (less than 55 series), large rim high performance passenger car radial tires (more than 15 inches), aviation tires and agricultural radial tires
Heilongjiang Province
1. High-end application and deep processing of graphite
2. Production of high performance radial tires: tubeless truck radial tires, low section and flattening (less than 55 series), large rim high performance passenger car radial tires (more than 15 inches), aviation tires and agricultural radial tires
Anhui Province
1. Deep processing of coal tar
2. Development and Manufacture of New Materials such as Nanomaterials
3. Production of bio-liquid fuels (fuel ethanol, biodiesel) using cassava, leprosy, rubber seeds and other non-grain plants as raw materials
4. Production of high performance radial tires: truck tires, tubeless truck radial tires, low profile and flattening (less than 55 series), large rim high performance passenger radial tires (more than 15 inches), aviation tires and agricultural radial tires.
Jiangxi Province
1. Production of bio-liquid fuels from cassava plants with annual output of more than 100,000 tons
2. Development and utilization of comprehensive utilization technologies such as production of 300,000 tons/year PVC by oxychlorination of ethylene and chlorine, production of chlorine from waste hydrochloric acid, etc.
3. Production of high performance radial tires: tubeless truck radial tires, low section and flattening (less than 55 series), large rim high performance passenger car radial tires (more than 15 inches), aviation tires and agricultural radial tires
Henan Province
Production of high performance radial tires: tubeless truck radial tires, low section and flattening (less than 55 series), large rim high performance passenger car radial tires (more than 15 inches), aviation tires and agricultural radial tires
Hubei province
Production of high performance radial tires: tubeless truck radial tires, low section and flattening (less than 55 series), large rim high performance passenger car radial tires (more than 15 inches), aviation tires and agricultural radial tires
Comprehensive Utilization of Waste Gas, Waste Liquid and Waste Residue from Pharmaceutical and Chemical Materials
Hunan Province
Production of high performance radial tires: tubeless truck radial tires, low section and flattening (less than 55 series), large rim high performance passenger car radial tires (more than 15 inches), aviation tires and agricultural radial tires
Guangxi Autonomous Region
Production of high performance radial tires: tubeless truck radial tires, low section and flattening (less than 55 series), large rim high performance passenger car radial tires (more than 15 inches), aviation tires and agricultural radial tires
1. Development and utilization of downstream chemical products of natural gas (excluding restricted and prohibited categories listed in the Natural Gas Utilization Policy)
2. Production of high performance radial tires: tubeless truck radial tires, low section and flattening(less than 55 series), large rim high performance passenger car radial tire (more than 15 inches), aviation tire and agricultural radial tire
Chongqing City
1. Production and development of downstream chemical products of natural gas (excluding restricted and prohibited categories listed in the Natural Gas Utilization Policy)
2. Development and production of innovative application products of polyurethane raw materials and combinations, high performance and high added value polyurethane, engineering plastics and downstream new materials
3. Research and manufacture of production equipment (meteorological precipitation, carbonization sintering, etc.) for carbon materials such as graphene and carbon fibers (composite materials), research and development and production of carbon materials such as graphene and carbon fibers (including composite materials) and manufacture of end products.
4. Shale Gas Equipment Manufacturing and Oil and Gas Technology Engineering Services
5. Production of high performance radial tires: tubeless truck radial tires, low cross-section and flattening (less than 55 series), large rim high performance passenger radial tires (more than 15 inches), aviation tires and agricultural radial tires, and key raw materials for radial tires listed in the Guidelines for Key Areas of High-tech Industrialization
6. Preparation and application of special industrial gases such as carbon dioxide recovery and carbon monoxide
Sichuan Province
1. Production and development of downstream chemical products of natural gas (excluding restricted and prohibited categories listed in the Natural Gas Utilization Policy)
2. Production of Fine Chemicals Containing Fluorine and High Quality Inorganic Salts Containing Fluorine
3. High-end Application and Deep Processing of Graphite
4. Production of high performance radial tires: tubeless truck radial tires, low section and flattening (less than 55 series), large rim high performance passenger car radial tires (more than 15 inches), aviation tires and agricultural radial tires
Guizhou Province
1. Using advanced technology to optimize and save energy in fixed-layer ammonia plant
2. Development of M100 New Power Fuel by Methanol and Development of New Energy from Ammonia Production Tail Gas
3. Developing industrial and food-grade carbon dioxide by using industrial carbon dioxide waste gas
4. Production of adipic acid
5. Construction of 300,000 tons/year and above coal-fired synthetic ammonia and supporting urea projects with advanced technology
Yunnan Province
1. Development and Application of New Natural Rubber
2. natural flavor and fragrance production technology development and manufacturing
Shaanxi Province
1. Separation and Utilization of Coal: Production of Methanol-Olefin from Coal and Aromatic-Ethylene Glycol Polyester from Downstream Coal
2. Production of Oil Products and Chemicals from Coal Liquefaction
3. Production and development of downstream chemical products of natural gas (excluding restricted and prohibited categories listed in the Natural Gas Utilization Policy)
Gansu Province
1. Production and development of downstream chemical products of natural gas (excluding restricted and prohibited categories listed in the Natural Gas Utilization Policy)
2. Extended Processing of Petroleum and Chemical Industries
3. Comprehensive Utilization of Waste Gas, Waste Liquor and Waste Slag of Chemical Raw Materials
Qinghai Province
1. Production of engineering plastics such as polyformaldehyde and polyphenylene sulfide
2. Deep Processing Products Downstream of Olefins
3. Resource Utilization of Industrial Tailings and Wastes from Industrial Production and Low-grade, Complex and Refractory Mines
Ningxia Autonomous Region
1. Development and production of carbon-based materials and carbon fibers
2. Production of polysilicon and monocrystalline silicon by energy-saving and low-cost process
3. Production of high performance radial tires: all steel radial tires, tubeless truck radial tires, low section and flattening (less than 55 series), large rim high performance car radial tires (more than 15 inches), aviation tires and agricultural radial tires.
Xinjiang Autonomous Region (including Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps)
1. High-end application and deep processing of graphite
2. Development of Coal Processing Application Technology
3. Comprehensive Utilization of Oil and Gas Associated Resources