The Ministry of ecology and environment has recently formulated and issued the measures for the supervision and management of the preparation of environmental impact reports (forms) of construction projects (hereinafter referred to as the measures). The relevant person in charge of the Ministry of ecology and environment said that the Environmental Assessment Law revised at the end of last year cancelled the administrative licensing of environmental assessment qualification of construction projects, and the promulgation of the measures will be of great significance to standardize the preparation of environmental impact statement (table) of construction projects, guarantee the quality of environmental assessment work, and maintain the market order of environmental assessment technical services after the cancellation of qualification licensing.
The method focuses on the quality of report (table) preparation and strengthens targeted supervision of key units and industries.
&"Measures" cancels the access of EIA qualification for construction projects, which does not mean that it does not matter, but at the same time of stimulating market vitality and mobilizing the enthusiasm of market subjects, through more strict supervision, to prevent the possible risks of work quality degradation and market disorder in EIA technology field after the opening of EIA market, so as to provide technical support for the effective implementation of EIA system. Through information disclosure and intelligent means in the process of supervision, further optimize environmental assessment management services, create a convenient environment and promote fair competition. &The head of the Department of environmental impact assessment and emission management of the Ministry of ecological environment explained.
The person in charge also said that in the process of formulating the measures, it is mainly aimed at the post supervision link in the preparation of the report (table), clarifying the relevant requirements and putting forward the corresponding management measures. The first is to standardize the links in the process of report (form) undertaking, contract signing, preparation requirements, preparation unit, etc.; the second is to strengthen the quality assessment and credit management of report (form), through daily assessment, review, spot check and credit scoring and other management measures, to achieve the whole process and & ldquo; full coverage & rdquo; type supervision of the preparation behavior of the competent departments of ecological environment at all levels; the last is to supervise the construction unit and The relevant responsible person, the preparation unit and personnel are all included in the scope of quality responsibility investigation of EIA documents, highlighting the main responsibility of the construction unit. In case of any quality problem in the report (form), the construction unit shall be held responsible no matter whether it is prepared by the construction unit itself or by the entrusted technical unit. We will increase the cost of breaking the law by increasing penalties and publicity.
Compared with the original management mode, the measures has cancelled the market access restrictions on EIA preparation units, which is a major change in the management mode of EIA preparation units. Compared with the original management mode, the post event supervision of the preparation of the report (table) has been significantly strengthened, which is mainly reflected in three aspects.
First, we should establish a system of information disclosure for compiling units and staffing personnel, improve the accountability system of the EIA through the Internet + supervision mode, and facilitate the construction units to inquire and select technical units, so as to improve the level of EIA management services.
The second is to improve the supervision and inspection mechanism of the linkage between the upper and lower levels of the ecological environment departments. The supervision and inspection of the preparation of the report (form) can be divided into three categories: the normative inspection of the preparation of the report (form), the quality assessment of the preparation of the report (form), and the inspection of the preparation units and personnel. The supervision and inspection will be carried out in all links of the report (form) from acceptance, approval to follow-up tracking management.
Third, implement credit management, clarify the specific situation of dishonesty and the procedure, open period and accumulation method of dishonesty scoring, and establish the reward and punishment mechanism of trustworthy incentive and dishonesty constraint based on the dishonesty scoring. Through reducing the proportion and frequency of re examination and extraction for the units and personnel without dishonest scores, and taking disciplinary measures such as increasing the proportion and frequency of re examination and extraction, rectifying within a time limit, forbidding employment and so on for the units and personnel with high dishonest scores as the case may be, to create a good market order for the benefit of the trustworthy and the difficulty of the dishonest.
In order to ensure the smooth transition of EIA technical service market after opening up, the measures continue to use the effective management means such as quality control and quality assessment in the existing management mode, and institutionalize and standardize the technical review carried out in the management practice in recent years; continue to guide the preparation unit to improve the capacity level and the construction unit to select the best technical unit. Give full play to the industry backbone role of the existing technical team.
The reporter noted that the measures took the accumulated score of the credit management object within the scoring cycle as the basis for punishing the credit management object. The person in charge said that in recent years, the cross regional employment of EIA technology units is very common, providing favorable conditions for the overall development of the industry. However, some units do not consider their own ability level and undertake business at will in different places. Due to the poor quality or nonstandard report (form) prepared by them, it often needs to be revised many times, which leads to the reduction of approval efficiency and to a certain extent causes the misunderstanding of "difficult environmental assessment" to the public and the owners. Because these units carry out business in different regions, and the problems that occur each time have not yet reached the illegal situation, it is difficult for the local examination and approval department to implement effective management.
To this end, the measures, by relying on the unified national credit platform, collects and accumulates the credit management object's credit behavior scores recorded by the ecological environment departments at all levels, and establishes a cross regional environmental impact assessment credit failure disciplinary mechanism of "one credit failure, national publicity" and "multiple credit failures, national restrictions". According to the measures, the punishment measures corresponding to the cumulative situation of dishonest scores are divided into three categories, from light to heavy, in order to increase the proportion and frequency of review and extraction, to make rectification within a time limit and to prohibit employment.
It is reported that the measures will come into effect on November 1 this year, and the measures for the administration of qualification for environmental impact assessment of construction projects will be repealed at the same time. At the same time, the Ministry of ecological environment is preparing three supporting documents, i.e. guidelines for capacity building of preparation of environmental impact statement (form) of construction projects (Trial), regulations on management of information disclosure of preparation units and personnel of construction projects (Trial), management measures for scoring of dishonest behaviors of preparation units and personnel of construction project environmental impact statement (form), which will be issued on Recently released.