Two explosions! The 15 meter high storehouse roof was blown off by the explosive air flow, and the hoist was broken into 3 parts.
According to the Gansu Security Supervision Bureau, according to the Gansu Bureau of safety supervision, about 9:40 on July 12, 2018, the explosion accident occurred when the calcium carbide slag warehouse of the dry law two factory of Jinchang Jin mud group was overhauled, resulting in the death of 4 people and 2 people.

It is reported that the incident at the time of the group acetylene company staff in the cement two factory electric stone slag reservoir area operation, at 9 o'clock in the morning, many explosions, the scene is quite tragic, the eyewitness said the site diameter of the 15 meters diameter of the calcium carbide slag library was lifted by the blast, and the hoist's hoist was broken into 3 sections.
According to the initial judgment of the enterprise staff, the accident is due to the serious excess of acetylene concentration in the calcium carbide slag reservoir, which produces an explosion, but it is not known whether the temperature in the library is too high or the explosion caused the explosion. After the incident, the local government quickly organized the rescue work, the accident injured personnel were actively rescued, the aftermath is also orderly, the cause of the accident is under investigation.
On the same day, Jinchang held an emergency meeting on safety production, requiring relevant departments to investigate safety hazards in the city and carry out safety improvement.

The accident occurred in the carbide slag cement production line. Calcium carbide residue, calcium carbide, is the main component of the residue after acetylene gas hydrolysis.
Acetylene (C2H2) is one of the important raw materials for the basic organic synthesis industry. With calcium carbide (CaC2) as the raw material, the process of producing acetylene by water (wet method) is simple and mature, and it occupies a large proportion in our country. 1t calcium carbide can add water to more than 300 kg acetylene gas, and generate 10t industrial waste liquid containing about 12% of solid content, commonly known as carbide slag slurry. Carbide slag can be used instead of limestone to make cement, to produce quicklime as raw material for calcium carbide, to produce chemical products, to produce building materials, and to be used for environmental treatment.
Due to the particularity of production materials, the safety requirements for carbide slag cement production line must be strict, and a slight carelessness will bring serious consequences.
At 14:17 on September 18, 2016, an explosion accident occurred in the electric stone slag cement production line at the Dongchang District of the Qinghai Saline Lake Haina company in the Gan he Industrial Park of Xining economic and Technological Development Zone. At the time of the accident, there were 26 workers on the site of the cement production line, resulting in 6 deaths and 8 injuries.
One wave is not flat, one after another, two explosions have happened one after another.
At 15:22 on July 14, 2018, China Petroleum and natural gas seventh Construction Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the seven construction of CNPC) Liaoning Petrochemical Branch burst flash, the accident caused 1 deaths and 1 injuries.
In the seven Liaoyang Petrochemical Company, Liaoyang petrochemical branch, the alcohol ketone workshop of nylon plant, the 83 unit was stopped and overhauled, and the &rdquo was stopped and overhauled, and the tertiary butyl alcohol storage tank R211 (tank volume 25.15m3, 2.96 tons of TERT butanol) suddenly flashed, causing the leakage of tert butyl alcohol and causing the fire. The accident resulted in a contractor's death and a contractor's back burn.
After receiving the information, the relevant departments quickly responded to the accident and asked for safety.
1, after receiving the brief briefing of the accident, the enterprises immediately passed to the grass-roots units, workshops, groups and posts at the grass-roots level. In the light of the problems exposed in this accident, they found out the problems of production operations and construction site problems, and took practical measures to eliminate similar accidents.
2, the enterprises should strictly comply with the comprehensive management scheme for the safety of hazardous chemicals in the group company to upgrade the fire control in the control tank area, further strengthen the management of the fire in the oil tank area, strictly implement the on-site basis, the on-site approval, and the present confirmation. Units should strengthen on-site safety supervision and ensure that all construction links are controlled.
3, each enterprise should strengthen the overall management of the construction work, perfect the list of high risk operation items, take the supervision methods such as the bypass station, the tour and the plot area for the construction work of different risk grades, and introduce the third party supervision to strengthen the field management. The cadres and managers at all levels should strengthen the supervision and examination and examination of the field. Nuclear, compaction responsibility, to ensure that work is in place.
After the accident, the preliminary analysis of the technical personnel: the contractor did not cut in the position of the safety technical bottom, cut the wrong and directly connected with the internal material of the tank, and the cutting spark detonated the tertiary butyl alcohol storage tank.
In fact, fire work is one of the most dangerous operation activities of petroleum enterprises, and it is also a key activity supervised by enterprises. Fire work refers to the construction of fire involved in fire and explosion hazards.
Two accidents have occurred in succession, and there are countless casualties and property losses. In the explosion, the misuse of chemical products and some minor errors, such as the failure to reach the target, can cause endless disaster. It is of great significance to the health of the chemical workers.
To this end, safety inspection and strict implementation of operations is the most rigorous treatment for every chemical worker, for himself and for others.
Source: Tianhua cloud, safe 3 swordsman, etc.