China or the birth of a super oil giant! It is expected to take over overseas oil fields. TuKai 2018-10-19

Private enterprises enter the upstream mining area, which is very rare in China. Now, a private enterprise seems to be planning this big event.Private company Hengli and Northern Industries Limited ar..


"No death gold medal"! Jiangsu provincial standards enterprises need not stop production and limit production .. Mrs.wu 2018-10-17

“ from an environmental point of view, we have been reflecting on how to better enforce the law. Wang Tianqi, director of the Jiangsu Provincial Department of Environmental Protection, said at a..


The world's first set! The first set in China! Coal chemical industry is pleased to add 2 big tools. wangliang 2018-10-15

The world's first set of coke oven tail gas to ethylene glycol plant in Erdos City, Inner Mongolia to start construction. This is the world's first set of coke oven waste gas to produce ethylene glyco..


Burst! Canada's largest refinery explosion 是董小姐呀 2018-10-12

Irving Oil's refinery in St. John's, New Brunswick, Canada, exploded violently on Oct. 8, Russia's Satellite News Agency reported. Local police said they asked residents to avoid the area completely. ..


People's Daily: technology talent is scarce. Can't find, recruit or stay hao先生 2018-10-10

A recent survey of 100 enterprises in six provinces and cities by People's Daily shows that manufacturing industry is facing a dilemma in attracting talents. As high as 73.08% of enterprises belie..
