Finding the Home, Finding the Direction, Promoting the Development! The Great Investigation of Energy and Chem.. 阳光boy 2019-04-15

On April 12, large-scale thematic research activities on energy and chemical industry & ldquo; Golden Triangle & rdquo; industrial synergistic development were launched in Beijing. The purpose of this..


What needs to be paid attention to when the early warning of production capacity of key chemical products is i.. 一路向东 2019-04-12

At the 2019 Petrochemical Industry Development Conference, the China Petroleum and Chemical Industry Federation issued the "Capacity Early Warning Report of Key Chemical Products in 2019".According to..


Jiangsu chemical engineering renovation program arouses strong repercussions! Many enterprises are worried abo.. wangliang 2019-04-11

Strong depression is “ dead sheep mending ” or “ dead sheep slaughtering ”?In the "Emergency Notice on Requesting the Opinions of Jiangsu Province Chemical Industry Regulation ..


Jiangsu Xiangshui Chemical Industrial Park will be closed completely. These listed companies responded. 海阔天空 2019-04-09

On April 3, Yancheng City, Jiangsu Province, decided to completely close the Xiangshui Chemical Industry Park. At the same time, we should do a good job of the chemical industry renovation work in the..


Yancheng decided to close the Xiangshui Chemical Industry Park completely and support the construction of "no-.. 光头强 2019-04-08

Yancheng government network news, on April 4, the Standing Committee of Yancheng Committee held a meeting to study and deploy sound water & ldquo; 3 & middot; 21 & rdquo; the next stage of disposal of..
