The latest explosion accident at Xiangshui Chemical Plant: nearly 20 enterprises have been searched and rescue.. 海阔天空 2019-03-25

The official micro-blog of the Propaganda Department of the CPC Yancheng Committee & ldquo; Yancheng Publishing & rdquo; the latest news, 24 pm, Xiangshui & ldquo; 3 & middot; 21 & rdquo; the accident..


Burst! An explosion broke out in a chemical enterprise in Xiangshui, Jiangsu Province, and some people were in.. 光头强 2019-03-22

According to the report of “ CCTV News & rdquo; about 14 p.m. this afternoon, an explosion occurred in a chemical enterprise in Xiangshui County, Yancheng City, Jiangsu Province. At present, fir..


美国一石化设施发生大火!2天烧着7个储罐,仍未扑灭 小鱼曾乖乖 2019-03-20

A fire at a petrochemical storage facility near the Houston Shipping Channel in Texas on Sunday (17) has spread to seven storage tanks, and companies are trying to prevent explosions.A fire broke out ..


6.5 billion dollars! American plastics manufacturer Berry acquired British counterpart RP TuKai 2019-03-19

On March 8, Berry Global Group Inc., an American plastics manufacturer, announced that it would buy all of RPC's issued and upcoming common shares at 793 pence a share. The total purchase price is..


Closing down, banning and relocating to the garden.. Hebei has launched the key task of safety production cont.. 阳光boy 2019-03-18

Recently, the Hebei Safety Production Committee issued the Action Plan for Safety Production Rehabilitation of Chemical Industry in Hebei Province. From March 2019 to December 2020, it will upgrade an..
