Can the influx of foreign capital reshape the structure of China's petrochemical industry? Discussion on how t.. 啊呀呀 2018-10-31

In recent years, China's petrochemical industry has been loosening its policy constraints and foreign investment restrictions have been sharply reduced. The arrival of foreign capital will not only br..


More than 70 thousand "scattered pollution" enterprises in Yangtze River Delta are facing rectification, and ".. 海阔天空 2018-10-29

Recently, the Yangtze River Delta region issued a draft of action plan for tackling key problems of air pollution control in autumn and winter of 2018-2019. This autumn and winter, the Yangtze River D..


The world's first set! The first set in China! Coal chemical industry is pleased to add 2 big tools. 光头强 2018-10-26

The world's first set of coke oven tail gas to ethylene glycol plant in Erdos City, Inner Mongolia to start construction. This is the world's first set of coke oven waste gas to produce ethylene glyco..


2018 China's top ten private petrochemical enterprises came out, winning the championship with constant streng.. big yang 2018-10-24

With the deepening of opening up of China's oil and gas industry, private oil enterprises have become increasingly active, becoming an indispensable force in China, and even the global oil industry. R..


2018 the ranking of university graduates is coming out! What's the number of your alma mater? 小鱼曾乖乖 2018-10-23

Recently, China Pay Network published an authoritative survey report: 2018 China's university graduates pay ranking TOP200. The list surveys graduates of nearly 100 universities in China in 2017, ..
