Violence against the law! Environmental protection personnel ordered to stop production invalid, the enterpris.. 海阔天空 2018-05-14

In the face of environmental law enforcement officers, violence can resist a series of laws. Last year was to close the door and release the dog. This year is more exaggerated. The owner directly chas..


New public function Process Equipment Network 2018-05-25

Process equipment network WeChat public number new revision online! Mobile phone can also use the powerful function of process equipment network. Just click on the &ldquo on the front page of the ..


Burst! Factory explosion, chemical leakage, 1 days, 2 accidents, emergency evacuation 啊呀呀 2018-05-11

In May 9th, there were 2 factories in 1 days. The cause of the explosion, fire and accident is suspected to be related to chemical leakage. What's going on? Come on and see it!Around 14 p.m. in May 9,..


Once the scientific research is deep like the sea, these 6 "hidden rules" understand. 阳光boy 2018-05-09

Scientific research is like a sea, and from then on, the holiday is a passer-by.Friends around the research dog:Young children become bald uncle, youth beauty turns slovenly mother.Tucao wrote his pap..


How should the packing tower and the plate tower be chosen? What are the characteristics of them zhaolin 2018-05-07

Plate column and packed column are two main types of distillation column. Although they are very common in distillation operation, there is a great difference between them. Tower type selection, opera..
