How do chemical workers choose careers and job hopping? Tell me about my 20 years of experience (Annex factory.. small qin 2018-04-25

Technical suppliers or technical service providers, that is to say, from Party A to Party B.There are many kinds of Party B in this industry, including private enterprises, joint ventures, foreign ent..


Pay tribute to the dear working man Process Equipment Network 2018-04-30

The workers' holidays are coming! Although the state has a fixed holiday, but there is such a group of workers, they still have no holiday, stick to the post, the following small editor to lead th..


Syria was attacked by chemical weapons? Do you know what chemical weapons are? big yang 2018-04-23

8 (M3) kg /t, coke 400kg/t.NO.7 hydrocyanic acidHealth hazards: inhibition of respiratory enzymes, resulting in intracellular asphyxia. Acute poisoning: inhaling high concentration of hydrogen cyanide..


12 domestic accidents caused 24 deaths! Typical chemical accidents at home and abroad at home and abroad in th.. 海阔天空 2018-04-20

According to China chemical accident information network, since January 2018, there have been many dangerous chemical accidents at home and abroad.In particular, Guizhou Shougang Shuicheng Iron and st..
